Version 9.5 SP1
 —  Installing System Management Hub  —

Migrating System Management Hub Users

System Management Hub 8.2 allows you to migrate users from System Management Hub 8.1 to the latest product installation. The MigrationTool.bat (or .sh) executable starts a tool that migrates users from products that use System Management Hub 8.1 to the corresponding products that use System Management Hub 8.2.

The tool migrates users only to installed, upgraded products. If a user is available in the previous version but the same product is not upgraded by the new installation, the tool does not migrate that user. In addition, you cannot migrate users from a particular old version product and use them in new version products that differ from the original product.

The following tasks describe the usage of the tool and outline the commands that you can perform with it.

Start of instruction setTo start and use the migration tool

  1. Start the migration tool in the following directory:

    Software AG_directory\InstanceManager\bin\MigrationTool.bat (or .sh)

  2. The following commands are available with the tool:

  3. Enter a command that you want to perform and follow the instructions.

For more information about starting the tool and migrating users silently, see Migrating Users Silently.

Setting Tool Parameters

The MigrationTool.bat (or .sh) executable tool has mandatory parameters that must be set prior to user migration. These parameters define the installation directories of System Management Hub version 8.1 and 8.2. The parameter that defines the installation directory of System Management Hub 8.2 is set by default during the installation of that product. However, if you need to define a different directory, the tool allows you to manually set a new installation directory for System Management Hub 8.2.

You can set the installation directory parameters as configuration properties within the .bat executable file when you open it for editing. Thus, the configuration remains persistent and the tool can be used without specifying any other configuration settings with each invocation.

Start of instruction setTo set the parameters in the .bat executable

  1. Open the following directory:

    Software AG_directory\InstanceManager\bin\

  2. Locate and open the MigrationTool.bat (or .sh) file for editing.

  3. Enter the following parameter -Dpath.smh81= before the -Dpath.smh82= parameter as it is displayed in the sample code excerpt.

    -Dpath.smh81="<installation_directory_of_SMH_8.1>" -Dpath.smh82="%INSTALL_HOME%"
  4. Save and close the MigrationTool.bat file.

Alternatively, you can provide the parameters to the tool when you start it in the console window.

Start of instruction setTo set the parameters when you start the tool in the console window

  1. Start a console window.

  2. Open the following directory:

    Software AG_directory\InstanceManager\bin\

  3. Locate and start the MigrationTool.bat (or .sh) file by specifying the corresponding configuration settings (optionally, you can add commands) in the console window as well.

    For more information about specifying configuration setting and executing commands in the console window when you start the tool, see Migrating Users Silently.


    >MigrationTool.bat path.smh81="<installation_directory_of_SMH_8.1>" path.smh82="<installation_directory_of_SMH_8.2>"
    > path.smh81="<installation_directory_of_SMH_8.1>" path.smh82="<installation_directory_of_SMH_8.2>"

Another way to configure the System Management Hub installation directories in the tool is to start it and configure the parameters using the set command. The settings that you provide with the set command are applicable only for the current invocation of the tool. You must configure these settings every time you start the tool.

Start of instruction setTo set the parameters using the console window

  1. Start the MigrationTool.bat (or .sh) executable file.

  2. Enter "set" and then press Enter.

  3. Note:
    This step, in which you configure the location of the registry file, appears only on UNIX based operating systems.

    On the Specify the path for regfile of SMH 8.1 Y/N ? enter "Y" and then press Enter.

  4. Specify the registry directory and file of System Management Hub 8.1 and press Enter.

    If the registry file that you specify does not exist or the entry is invalid, the tool allows you to re-enter the directory that hosts the registry file of SMH 8.1.

  5. On the Specify the path for installation of SMH 8.1 Y/N ? enter "Y" and then press Enter.

  6. Specify the installation directory of System Management Hub 8.1 and press Enter.

    If the directory that you specify does not exist or the entry is invalid, the tool allows you to re-enter the directory that hosts the installation of version 8.1.

  7. On the Specify the path for installation of SMH 8.2 Y/N ? enter "Y" and then press Enter.

  8. Specify the installation directory of System Management Hub 8.2 and press Enter.

    If the directory that you specify does not exist or the entry is invalid, the tool allows you to re-enter the directory that hosts the installation of version 8.2.

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Migrating Users

The MigrationTool.bat (or .sh) executable tool allows you to migrate users from System Management Hub 8.1 to System Management Hub 8.2 flexibly using a set of predefined migration commands. Depending on the particular business case, the tool allows you to migrate all available users at one go, migrate all users of a particular product at one go, or migrate single users from products with versions 8.1 to 8.2.

The instructions below outline the usage of the different sub-commands that are available with the migrate command of the tool.

Start of instruction setTo migrate users

  1. Start the MigrationTool.bat (or .sh) executable file.

  2. Enter "migrate" and then press Enter.

    If you did not specify any of the mandatory tool parameters, such as installation directories of the products which users you want to migrate, the tool allows you to specify those parameters at this stage. For more information, see Setting Tool Parameters.

  3. The tool displays the available sub-commands for the migrate command.

  4. Enter a command that you want to perform and follow the instructions.

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Migrating Users Silently

The MigrationTool.bat (or .sh) executable tool allows you to migrate users from System Management Hub 8.1 to System Management Hub 8.2 silently using a set of predefined migration parameters (settings or commands). Similarly to the console based or GUI based migration and depending on the particular business case, the tool allows you to set configuration parameters, migrate all available users at one go, migrate all users of a particular product at one go, or migrate single users from products with versions 8.1 to 8.2.

The instructions below outline the silent invocation and usage of the different commands that are available with the tool.

Start of instruction setTo migrate users silently

  1. Start a console window.

  2. Open the following directory:

    Software AG_directory\InstanceManager\bin\

  3. Locate and start the MigrationTool.bat (or .sh) file by specifying the configuration settings or commands in the console window.

    The following table outlines the parameters (settings or commands) that you can use with the silent invocation of the tool:

    Parameter Description

    Specify the directory and the registry file of System Management Hub 8.1. This parameter can be used only on UNIX based operating systems.


    Specify the installation directory of System Management Hub 8.1.


    Specify the installation directory of System Management Hub 8.2.


    Migrate all available users from System Management Hub 8.1 to 8.2. The tool migrates only users that are created in and used by product versions which are installed on the system and use System Management Hub 8.1 and 8.2 respectively.


    Migrate all available users for a particular product that uses System Management Hub. The tool migrates users only if versions of the product are installed and use System Management Hub 8.1 and 8.2 respectively.

    To start this command, you must set the product="product name" parameter as well.

    product="product name"

    Specify a product which users you want to migrate. This parameter is mandatory when you migrate all users of a product or a single user.


    Migrate a single users of a particular product that uses System Management Hub. The tool migrates the user only if versions of the product are installed and use System Management Hub 8.1 and 8.2 respectively.

    To start this command, you must set the product="product name" and user="user name" parameters as well.

    user="user name"

    Specify a user which you want to migrate. This parameter is mandatory when you migrate a single user only.


MigrationTool.bat path.smh81="<installation_directory_of_SMH_8.1>" migrate="all.users"
MigrationTool.bat path.smh81="<installation_directory_of_SMH_8.1>" path.smh82="<installation_directory_of_SMH_8.2>" migrate="single.user" product="<product_name>" user="<user_name>" path.regfile.smh81="<SMH_8.1_registry_file_directory>" path.smh81="<installation_directory_of_SMH_8.1>" path.smh82="<installation_directory_of_SMH_8.2>" migrate="single.user" product="<product_name>" user="<user_name>"

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Starting the Migration Tool in Graphical Mode

When you start the MigrationTool.bat (or .sh) executable tool in console mode, you can switch to the graphical mode of the tool using the corresponding command. The graphical tool displays the configured installation directories of System Management Hub 8.1 and 8.2 and the corresponding users in both directories. The graphical mode allows you to perform the same commands from the console mode of the tool in a more flexible environment.

The instructions below outline the graphical mode of the tool and the commands which you can execute with it.

Start of instruction setTo start the GUI mode of the tool

  1. Start the MigrationTool.bat (or .sh) executable file.

  2. Enter "gui" and then press Enter.

    The tool starts in graphical mode.

  3. Specify the installation directories of System Management Hub version 8.1 and 8.2. Click the Browse button on the right hand side of the corresponding field.

    On UNIX based operating systems, specify the location of the registry file of System Management Hub version 8.1 as well.

  4. The tool displays the available users in both installation directories. You can filter the users by selecting the following options:

  5. Select the users you want to migrate from System Management Hub 8.1 to System Management Hub 8.2.

    You cannot select for migration users that are colored in red. The tool colors in red the following entries:

  6. Click Migrate.

  7. When you migrate the users from System Management Hub version 8.1 to 8.2 and if you want to exit the tool, click Close.

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