Version 9.5 SP1

Installing System Management Hub

The information is organized as follows:

Installing the Latest System Management Hub

For more information about installing the latest release of System Management Hub, see Installing webMethods Products on the Software AG Documentation Web site.

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Verifying the Installation

Software AG Installer does not create a separate System Management Hub group in the programs section of the Start menu on Windows operating systems. A Start menu entry for System Management Hub is created only if you installed other products (CentraSite or EntireX) that use System Management Hub as an administration tool.

Before you start System Management Hub and verify the installation, make sure that the System Management Hub services are started.

Start of instruction setTo verify System Management Hub installation

  1. Open a web browser.

  2. Open http://localhost:<port_number>/smh/login.htm to start the System Management Hub administration tool.

    <port_number> is the base port defined at the install of System Management Hub.

  3. Log on using your user credentials.

    Starting and logging on the administration tool, proves the successful installation.

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