Version 9.5 SP1
 —  Configuration  —

System Logging Facilities

The information is organized under the following headings:

Windows Logging Facility

The logging facility on Windows operating systems is the Event Viewer.

Start of instruction setTo trace log messages of the installed products with the Event Viewer

  1. Enable the logging registry key of the Client/Server Layer by setting Enable to "1"

    The default registry key setting of the Client/Server Layer after installation of System Management Hub is [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Software AG\System Management Hub\CSLayerServer\Syslog] "Enable"="0".

  2. Set the logmask values to use the Windows logging service by setting Logmask.

    Logmask specifies which messages go to the system log file.

    For example: Logmask = WEF stands for a warning with error and fatal messages logged.

    Logmask can be a combination of the following:

    I: info message
    						W: warning message
    						E:  error message
    						F: fatal message
    						J: job message

    The default registry key setting of the Event Layer after installation of System Management Hub is [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Software AG\System Management Hub\EventLayer\Syslog] "Logmask"="FE".

Following is the location of the log files:

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UNIX Logging Facility

The logging facility on UNIX operating systems is called syslog.

The information is organized under the following headings:

Overview of Syslog

UNIX has a centralized system logging process that runs the program /etc/syslogd or /etc/syslog. Individual programs that need to have information logged send the information to syslog. The big advantage of syslog is that the message file holds all reported messages. By using scripts, a system administrator can detect complex error scenarios and act accordingly.

The syslog daemon is native to all distributions of UNIX and Linux, but is not available under Windows. It can be configured to write messages depending on their facility and severity to different log files. Additionally, it can discard them totally or forward them to a chained syslog daemon.

Following are several limitations to the system log facility:

Syslog Fields

The full format of a syslog message has three distinct parts - priority, header, and message.

The Priority Field

This is a number that represents the facility and the severity of the message.

With the facility and the severity values, you can apply certain filters on the events in the syslog daemon.

The syslog daemon does not generate the severity and the facility values. They are generated by the applications on which the event is generated. If the message received by the syslog daemon has a generated code by the application that is different from the recommended code for the specified situations, then the syslog daemon receives the message without changing the code.

Facility of Syslog

The facility is the application or operating system component that generates a log message. It is defined by the syslog protocol and provides a basic clue from what part of a system the message originated.

Traditionally, under UNIX, there are facilities like KERN (the OS kernel itself), LPD (the line printer daemon) and so on. There are also the LOCAL_0 to LOCAL_7 facilities (see code number 16 from the facility codes below) that are traditionally reserved for administrator and application use.

A device on which syslog is enabled allows you to configure any value as the facility to distinguish between different classes of syslog messages. That is why the facility filed is very helpful to define rules that split messages (for example, to different log files based on the facility level).

Refer to the following table for the facility codes and their description:

Code Description
0 kernel messages
1 user-level messages
2 mail system
3 system daemons
4 security/ authorization messages
5 messages generated internally by syslogd
6 line printer subsystem
7 network news subsystem
8 UUCP subsystem
9 clock daemon
10 security/ authorization messages
11 FTP daemon
12 NTP subsystem
13 log audit
14 log alert
15 clock daemon
16 local use 0 reserved for site-specific use

Severity of Syslog


The severity is the emergency of the generated messages.

Refer to the following table for the severity codes and their description.

Code Description
0 Emergency: system is unusable.
1 Alert: action must be taken immediately.
2 Critical: critical conditions.
3 Error: error conditions.
4 Warning: warning conditions.
5 Notice: normal but significant condition.
6 Informational: informational messages.
7 Debug: debug-level messages.

The Header Field

This field contains the following data:

The Message Field

The message field is the third part of the syslog packet. It contains some additional information of the process that generated the message and the text of the message. The message field consists of two parts:

Interface Configuration

The registry string value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Software AG\System Management Hub\EventLayer\Syslog Logmask decides which Joblog messages are written to syslog.

Character Argus Severity Syslog severity default
J Open Job Messages form all severities Appropriate LOG_ severity  

If F, E, W, I or J are part of the Logmask value, the Joblog is also written to syslog. All messages are written under LOG_USER.

The syslogd daemon writes the syslog. When syslogd starts up, it reads its configuration file (usually /etc/syslog.conf) to determine what kinds of events to log and to what location.

For detailed information about your current configuration file call man syslog.conf. It describes the parameter of your syslog.conf file.

There is no standard for the message output file and no utility known that reads automatically the right file.

Follow these steps:

  1. Open the /etc/syslog.conf and find out there messages are written.

  2. Open the plain text syslog output file in any editor or run cat, more, less, etc., as user root or with root permissions.

  3. Browse to Software AG.

Samples of Configuration Files


Suse 9.1 /etc/syslog.conf example:

# /etc/syslog.conf - Configuration file for syslogd(8)
# For info about the format of this file, see "man syslog.conf".

# print most on tty10 and on the xconsole pipe
kern.warning;*.err;authpriv.none /dev/tty10
*.emerg *

# enable this, if you want that root is informed
# immediately, for example,  of logins
#*.alert root

# all email-messages in one file
mail.err /var/log/mail.err

# all news-messages
# these files are rotated and examined by "news.daily"
# enable this, if you want to keep all news messages
# in one file

# Warnings in one file
*.=warning;*.=err               -/var/log/warn
*.crit                           /var/log/warn

# save the rest in one file
*.*;mail.none;news.none         -/var/log/messages

# enable this, if you want to keep all messages
# in one file
#*.*                            -/var/log/allmessages

# Some foreign boot scripts require local7
local0,local1.*                 -/var/log/localmessages
local2,local3.*                 -/var/log/localmessages
local4,local5.*                 -/var/log/localmessages
local6,local7.*                 -/var/log/localmessages

Critical errors, errors and warnings here are written to /var/log/warn. The rest are written to /var/log/messages.


cat /var/log/warn
Sep 28 10:24:43 pclinarg1 Software AG - argevsrv[9997]: Test - Warning
Sep 28 10:24:43 pclinarg1 Software AG - argevsrv[9997]: Test - Error
Sep 28 10:24:43 pclinarg1 Software AG - argevsrv[9997]: Test - Crit Error

cat /var/log/messages
Sep 28 10:24:43 pclinarg1 Software AG - argevsrv[9997]: Test - Info
Sep 28 10:24:43 pclinarg1 Software AG - argevsrv[9997]: Test - Warning
Sep 28 10:24:43 pclinarg1 Software AG - argevsrv[9997]: Test - Error
Sep 28 10:24:43 pclinarg1 Software AG - argevsrv[9997]: Test - Crit Error
Sep 28 10:54:27 pclinarg1 Software AG - argevsrv[10449]: start argevsrv demon

Linux (Suse 9.1) Syslog.conf Man Pages

Solaris Example

Sun Solaris 8 64 /etc/syslog.conf example:

#ident  "@(#)syslog.conf        1.5     98/12/14 SMI"   /* SunOS 5.0 */
# Copyright (c) 1991-1998 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# syslog configuration file.
# This file is processed by m4 so be careful to quote (`') names
# that match m4 reserved words.  Also, within ifdef's, arguments
# containing commas must be quoted.
*.err;kern.notice;auth.notice                   /dev/sysmsg
*.err;kern.debug;daemon.notice;mail.crit        /var/adm/messages

*.alert;kern.err;daemon.err                     operator
*.alert                                         root

*.emerg                                         *

# if a non-loghost machine chooses to have authentication messages
# sent to the loghost machine, un-comment out the following line:
#auth.notice                    ifdef(`LOGHOST', /var/log/authlog, @loghost)

mail.debug                      ifdef(`LOGHOST', /var/log/syslog, @loghost)

# non-loghost machines uses the following lines to cause "user"
# log messages to be logged locally.
ifdef(`LOGHOST', ,
user.err                                        /dev/sysmsg
user.err                                        /var/adm/messages
user.alert                                      `root, operator'
user.emerg                                      *

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