Version 9.5 SP1
 —  LoginModules Guide  —

Integrated Authentication Framework Tools

This document covers the following topics:

Tool IAFCryptDelegatedPwd

This tool is required for creating the appropriate value for attribute IAFDELEGATEDAUTHPASS. The password should not appear in clear text in the attributes file; use this tool to create an encrypted version of the technical user's password.


IAFCryptDelegatedPwd -p <password> -f <attribute file name> -k <key file name>
where ../Service/IAF001/IAF001.atr is the default attribute file name, and
../etc/IAFKeyFile.txt is the default key file name.

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Class CertNameGenerator.jar

This Java tool helps to set up the delegated authentication framework that can be deployed with the help of the SIN_JAAS_LoginModules. All delegated authentication calls are signed, and the signature is validated against a known certificate. The name of the certificate derived from the fingerprint and this tool (CertNameGenerator) will create the appropriate file name out of an existing certificate.

Start of instruction setTo set up the delegated authentication framework

  1. Choose an existing certificate where you also have access to the private key.

  2. Extract this certificate in binary form (file extension" .cer").

  3. Execute the CertNameGenerator with this certificate as input. The output will be the same certificate, but with a special name that can be identified by IAF (Example: 5b-0f-34-.....cer, i.e. the fingerprint is the file name).

  4. Place this new file in the bin directory of IAF.


java -cp CertNameGen.jar MyCert.cer

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Creating Technical User Credential Files

For more information, see Creating Technical User Credential Files

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Creating Internal User Repository Files

For more information, see Creating Internal User Repository Files

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