Version 9.5 SP1
 —  Reference Guide to SIN  —

Integrated Authentication Framework Samples

This document provides sample IAF related attribute files for commonly used authentication scenarios.

The sample attribute files are organized as follows:

IAF Attribute File for Active Directory (ADSI) Authentication

Replace the content of the attribute file you want to configure with the sample code below:

Provide information about your environment by configuring setting in the following attributes (in the SSX ADSI section): SERVERHOST and ADSIFORESTDN.

* Attribute file for IAF server.

*    IAFnnn


  BROKER-ID                 = IAFnnn
  RUN-MODE                  = IAF
  TRANSPORT                 = TCP-SSL

  AUTOLOGON                 = YES
  CLIENT-NONACT             = 99
  ICU-CONVERSION            = NO
  NUM-WORKER                = 5
  TRACE-LEVEL               = 0


** IAF Service parameters: *************************************************
  IAF_LISTENADDRESS           = localhost
                                * the IAF servers own name, will be copied
                                * into each IAF Token (future use)
  IAFVALIDTIME                = 300
                                * default time the tokens are valid (in secs)
 * LOCALCODEPAGE              = 
                                * default code page: ISO-8859-1, rsp. IBM-037
                                * used as input to 
                                * MultiByteToWideChar/WideCharToMultiByte
                                * on Windows and
                                * iconv on Unix

** IAF Delegation:            
                                * YES/NO, default: YES
                                * verify if delegated userid really exists
                                * technical user id
                                * domain of technical user
                                * encrypted password of technical user
                                * file name to decrypt techn. user password
                                * allow +/- secs. difference between
                                * SSX program and IAF server
** SSX configuration patameters: *******************************************

***************************** SSX Common ***********************************
  AUTHTYPE                    = ADSI
                                * Native authentication type (OS, INTERNAL, LDAP, ADSI)
  VALIDTIME                   = 0
                                * how long (secs) should user remain in cache
                                * 0=disabled
  DENYTIME                    = 60
                                * deny access for 60 secs after
                                * <denycont> false authentications
  DENYCOUNT                   = 0
                                * 0=deactivate, else no. of invalid auths
                                * before waiting <denytime> secs.
  MAXCACHEDUSERS              = 100
								* no. of successful auth'ed users
  * LOGFILE                   = LOG_FILE_PATH
								* log file path
  * LOGLEVEL				  = 6
								* 0 - 6: set log level
  * DEFAULTDOMAIN             = defaultDomain
								* The default domain name

***************************** SSX OS ***************************************
								* Unix only! Explicit path of the privileged 
								* daemon process. 
  * UNIXADDMACHINENAME		  = true/false
								* Machine name is added before users and groups i.e. 
								* machine_name\user.
  * DEFAULTGROUP              = default_group
								* Any group can be used. Specify a default group name 
								* here that should be returned with any of the group 
								* results which are returned by repository manager.
  * WINNOIMPERSONISATION      = true/false
								* that specifies whether any data access should be made 
								* under the impersonated userid of the logged in user 
								* (false), or whether all access are made under the 
								* account of the running process (true)
***************************** SSX INTERNAL ***************************************

								 * path for the file with internal users
***************************** SSX LDAP ***************************************
 * SERVERHOST                 = localhost
                                * where takes place the auths
 * SERVERPORT                 = 389
                                * port of server
 * LDAPSERVERTYPE             = OpenLDAP
                                * use some predefined fields with
                                * "ActiveDirectory", "OpenLdap"(default),
                                * "SunOneDirectory", "Tivoli",
                                * "Novell" or "ApacheDS"
 * LDAPPERSONBINDDN           = "ou=people,dc=myorg,dc=com"
                                * node where to find the users
 * LDAPGROUPBINDDN            = "ou=groups,dc=myorg,dc=com"
								* node where to find the groups
 * LDAPUSERIDFIELD            = cn
                                * name of the user id field
 * LDAPGROUPIDFIELD           = cn
                                * name of the group id field
 * LDAPPERSONOBJECTCLASS      = "top,person"
								* user object class
 * LDAPGROUPOBJECTCLASS       = "top,groups"
								* group object class
 * LDAPPERSONGRPATTR          = memberOf
								* Property name of a user entry that points 
								* from a user entry to the group that the user 
								* is member of.
 * LDAPGROUPUSRATTR           = member
								* Property name of a group entry which points from the 
								* group to the users (members).
								* If this boolean field is “true” or “1”, the parameter 
								* “domainname” will be interpreted as a BaseBindDN 
								*(example: “ou=People,dc=myorg,dc=com”. Note that if 
								* no explicit domain 
								* whether the LDAP connection should be created and closed 
								* per method call (true), or whether the connection should 
								* stay open until the user handle is closed
 * LDAPPERSONPROPERTYATTR     = "cn,displayName,description,mail,telephoneNumber,  
								* Defines the property names that can be accessed for a user
								* entry. The value is a comma separated list, which contains 
								* the property name. When all of the specified properties do 
								* not exist or are binary properties any user result list 
								* will be empty. 
 * LDAPGROUPPROPERTYATTR      = "cn,description"
								* Defines the property names that can be accessed for a group 
								* entry. The value is a comma separated list, which contains 
								* the property name. When all of the specified properties do 
								* not exist or are binary properties any group result list will
								* be empty.
 * LDAPSSLCONNECTION          = true
								* the denoted ldap connection (serverHost and serverPort) is a 
								* secured (over SSL/TLS) connection to an LDAP server
 * FOLLOWREFERRALS            = false
								* Whether the SSX must follow referrals or not. true/false
 * REFSERVERBINDINGTYPE       = same_creds
								* What kind of binding during referral following. 
								* same_creds – use same credential for authentication to 
								* the next LDAP server. no_creds use anonymous binding to the 
								* next server
 * REFERRALHOPSCNT            = 1
								* Count of the referral hops. If this parameter is not specified 
								* the count  is unlimited

***************************** SSX ADSI ***************************************								

 SERVERHOST                   = <server_host>
                                * where takes place the auths
 * SERVERPORT                 = 389
                                * port of server
 LDAPSERVERTYPE               = ActiveDirectory
 ADSIFORESTDN                 = "DC=ad,DC=<organization>"
                                  * name of ADS forest
                                  * CAREFUL: do not mix with domain name
 * ADSIPERSONBASEBINDDN       = "dc=myusers,dc=com"
								  * Specifies a BindDN that is used to access
								  * a user. Note that this is only useful when 
								  * all users that are accessed are found under 
								  * in the same node
 * ADSIGROUPBASEBINDDN       = "dc=mygroups,dc=com"
                                  * Specifies a BindDN that is used to access 
								  * a group. Note that this is only useful when 
								  * all groups that are accessed are found under 
								  * in the same node. 

   PORT = 11971

   PORT = 11958
   KEY-FILE = "..\..\Etc\IAFAppKey.pem"
   KEY-STORE = "..\..\Etc\IAFAppCert.pem"
** TRUST-STORE = "..\..\Etc\IAFCaCert.pem"

Top of page

IAF Attribute File for Internal User Repository Authentication

Replace the content of the attribute file you want to configure with the sample code below:

* Attribute file for IAF server.

*    IAFnnn


  BROKER-ID                 = IAFnnn
  RUN-MODE                  = IAF
  TRANSPORT                 = TCP-SSL

  AUTOLOGON                 = YES
  CLIENT-NONACT             = 99
  ICU-CONVERSION            = NO
  NUM-WORKER                = 5
  TRACE-LEVEL               = 0


** IAF Service parameters: *************************************************
  IAF_LISTENADDRESS           = localhost
                                * the IAF servers own name, will be copied
                                * into each IAF Token (future use)
  IAFVALIDTIME                = 300
                                * default time the tokens are valid (in secs)
 * LOCALCODEPAGE              = 
                                * default code page: ISO-8859-1, rsp. IBM-037
                                * used as input to 
                                * MultiByteToWideChar/WideCharToMultiByte
                                * on Windows and
                                * iconv on Unix

** IAF Delegation:            
                                * YES/NO, default: YES
                                * verify if delegated userid really exists
                                * technical user id
                                * domain of technical user
                                * encrypted password of technical user
                                * file name to decrypt techn. user password
                                * allow +/- secs. difference between
                                * SSX program and IAF server
** SSX configuration patameters: *******************************************

***************************** SSX Common ***********************************
  AUTHTYPE                    = INTERNAL
                                * Native authentication type (OS, INTERNAL, LDAP, ADSI)
  VALIDTIME                   = 0
                                * how long (secs) should user remain in cache
                                * 0=disabled
  DENYTIME                    = 60
                                * deny access for 60 secs after
                                * <denycont> false authentications
  DENYCOUNT                   = 0
                                * 0=deactivate, else no. of invalid auths
                                * before waiting <denytime> secs.
  MAXCACHEDUSERS              = 100
								* no. of successful auth'ed users
  * LOGFILE                   = LOG_FILE_PATH
								* log file path
  * LOGLEVEL				  = 6
								* 0 - 6: set log level
  * DEFAULTDOMAIN             = defaultDomain
								* The default domain name

***************************** SSX OS ***************************************
								* Unix only! Explicit path of the privileged 
								* daemon process. 
  * UNIXADDMACHINENAME		  = true/false
								* Machine name is added before users and groups i.e. 
								* machine_name\user.
  * DEFAULTGROUP              = default_group
								* Any group can be used. Specify a default group name 
								* here that should be returned with any of the group 
								* results which are returned by repository manager.
  * WINNOIMPERSONISATION      = true/false
								* that specifies whether any data access should be made 
								* under the impersonated userid of the logged in user 
								* (false), or whether all access are made under the 
								* account of the running process (true)
***************************** SSX INTERNAL ***************************************

    INTERNALREPOSITORY          = ".\"
								 * path for the file with internal users
***************************** SSX LDAP ***************************************
 * SERVERHOST                 = localhost
                                * where takes place the auths
 * SERVERPORT                 = 389
                                * port of server
 * LDAPSERVERTYPE             = OpenLDAP
                                * use some predefined fields with
                                * "ActiveDirectory", "OpenLdap"(default),
                                * "SunOneDirectory", "Tivoli",
                                * "Novell" or "ApacheDS"
 * LDAPPERSONBINDDN           = "ou=people,dc=myorg,dc=com"
                                * node where to find the users
 * LDAPGROUPBINDDN            = "ou=groups,dc=myorg,dc=com"
								* node where to find the groups
 * LDAPUSERIDFIELD            = cn
                                * name of the user id field
 * LDAPGROUPIDFIELD           = cn
                                * name of the group id field
 * LDAPPERSONOBJECTCLASS      = "top,person"
								* user object class
 * LDAPGROUPOBJECTCLASS       = "top,groups"
								* group object class
 * LDAPPERSONGRPATTR          = memberOf
								* Property name of a user entry that points 
								* from a user entry to the group that the user 
								* is member of.
 * LDAPGROUPUSRATTR           = member
								* Property name of a group entry which points from the 
								* group to the users (members).
								* If this boolean field is “true” or “1”, the parameter 
								* “domainname” will be interpreted as a BaseBindDN 
								*(example: “ou=People,dc=myorg,dc=com”. Note that if 
								* no explicit domain 
								* whether the LDAP connection should be created and closed 
								* per method call (true), or whether the connection should 
								* stay open until the user handle is closed
 * LDAPPERSONPROPERTYATTR     = "cn,displayName,description,mail,telephoneNumber,  
								* Defines the property names that can be accessed for a user
								* entry. The value is a comma separated list, which contains 
								* the property name. When all of the specified properties do 
								* not exist or are binary properties any user result list 
								* will be empty. 
 * LDAPGROUPPROPERTYATTR      = "cn,description"
								* Defines the property names that can be accessed for a group 
								* entry. The value is a comma separated list, which contains 
								* the property name. When all of the specified properties do 
								* not exist or are binary properties any group result list will
								* be empty.
 * LDAPSSLCONNECTION          = true
								* the denoted ldap connection (serverHost and serverPort) is a 
								* secured (over SSL/TLS) connection to an LDAP server
 * FOLLOWREFERRALS            = false
								* Whether the SSX must follow referrals or not. true/false
 * REFSERVERBINDINGTYPE       = same_creds
								* What kind of binding during referral following. 
								* same_creds – use same credential for authentication to 
								* the next LDAP server. no_creds use anonymous binding to the 
								* next server
 * REFERRALHOPSCNT            = 1
								* Count of the referral hops. If this parameter is not specified 
								* the count  is unlimited

***************************** SSX ADSI ***************************************								

 SERVERHOST                   =
                                * where takes place the auths
 * SERVERPORT                 = 389
                                * port of server
 LDAPSERVERTYPE               = ActiveDirectory
 ADSIFORESTDN                 = "DC=ad,DC=sag"
                                  * name of ADS forest
                                  * CAREFUL: do not mix with domain name
 * ADSIPERSONBASEBINDDN       = "dc=myusers,dc=com"
								  * Specifies a BindDN that is used to access
								  * a user. Note that this is only useful when 
								  * all users that are accessed are found under 
								  * in the same node
 * ADSIGROUPBASEBINDDN        = "dc=mygroups,dc=com"
                                  * Specifies a BindDN that is used to access 
								  * a group. Note that this is only useful when 
								  * all groups that are accessed are found under 
								  * in the same node. 

   PORT = 11971

   PORT = 11958
   KEY-FILE = "..\..\Etc\IAFAppKey.pem"
   KEY-STORE = "..\..\Etc\IAFAppCert.pem"
** TRUST-STORE = "..\..\Etc\IAFCaCert.pem"

Top of page

IAF Attribute File for LDAP User Repository Authentication

Replace the content of the attribute file you want to configure with the sample code below:

Provide information about your environment by configuring setting in the following attributes (in the SSX LDAP section): SERVERHOST, LDAPPERSONBINDDN and LDAPGROUPBINDDN.

* Attribute file for IAF server.

*    IAFnnn


  BROKER-ID                 = IAFnnn
  RUN-MODE                  = IAF
  TRANSPORT                 = TCP-SSL

  AUTOLOGON                 = YES
  CLIENT-NONACT             = 99
  ICU-CONVERSION            = NO
  NUM-WORKER                = 5
  TRACE-LEVEL               = 0


** IAF Service parameters: *************************************************
  IAF_LISTENADDRESS           = localhost
                                * the IAF servers own name, will be copied
                                * into each IAF Token (future use)
  IAFVALIDTIME                = 300
                                * default time the tokens are valid (in secs)
 * LOCALCODEPAGE              = 
                                * default code page: ISO-8859-1, rsp. IBM-037
                                * used as input to 
                                * MultiByteToWideChar/WideCharToMultiByte
                                * on Windows and
                                * iconv on Unix

** IAF Delegation:            
                                * YES/NO, default: YES
                                * verify if delegated userid really exists
                                * technical user id
                                * domain of technical user
                                * encrypted password of technical user
                                * file name to decrypt techn. user password
                                * allow +/- secs. difference between
                                * SSX program and IAF server
** SSX configuration patameters: *******************************************

***************************** SSX Common ***********************************
  AUTHTYPE                    = LDAP
                                * Native authentication type (OS, INTERNAL, LDAP, ADSI)
  VALIDTIME                   = 0
                                * how long (secs) should user remain in cache
                                * 0=disabled
  DENYTIME                    = 60
                                * deny access for 60 secs after
                                * <denycont> false authentications
  DENYCOUNT                   = 0
                                * 0=deactivate, else no. of invalid auths
                                * before waiting <denytime> secs.
  MAXCACHEDUSERS              = 100
								* no. of successful auth'ed users
  * LOGFILE                   = LOG_FILE_PATH
								* log file path
  * LOGLEVEL				  = 6
								* 0 - 6: set log level
  * DEFAULTDOMAIN             = defaultDomain
								* The default domain name

***************************** SSX OS ***************************************
								* Unix only! Explicit path of the privileged 
								* daemon process. 
  * UNIXADDMACHINENAME		  = true/false
								* Machine name is added before users and groups i.e. 
								* machine_name\user.
  * DEFAULTGROUP              = default_group
								* Any group can be used. Specify a default group name 
								* here that should be returned with any of the group 
								* results which are returned by repository manager.
  * WINNOIMPERSONISATION      = true/false
								* that specifies whether any data access should be made 
								* under the impersonated userid of the logged in user 
								* (false), or whether all access are made under the 
								* account of the running process (true)
***************************** SSX INTERNAL ***************************************

								* path for the file with internal users
***************************** SSX LDAP ***************************************
  SERVERHOST                  = <server_host>
                                * where takes place the auths
  SERVERPORT                  = 389
                                * port of server
  LDAPSERVERTYPE              = OpenLDAP
                                * use some predefined fields with
                                * "ActiveDirectory", "OpenLdap"(default),
                                * "SunOneDirectory", "Tivoli",
                                * "Novell" or "ApacheDS"
  LDAPPERSONBINDDN            = "ou=users,ou=<organization>,o=<organization>"
                                * node where to find the users
  LDAPGROUPBINDDN             = "ou=groups,ou=<organization>,o=<organization>"
								* node where to find the groups
  LDAPUSERIDFIELD             = uid
                                * name of the user id field
  LDAPGROUPIDFIELD            = cn
                                * name of the group id field
  LDAPPERSONOBJECTCLASS       = "top,person,organizationalPerson,inetOrgPerson"
								* user object class
  LDAPGROUPOBJECTCLASS        = "top,groupOfUniqueNames"
								* group object class
 * LDAPPERSONGRPATTR          = memberOf
								* Property name of a user entry that points 
								* from a user entry to the group that the user 
								* is member of.
  LDAPGROUPUSRATTR            = uniqueMember
								* Property name of a group entry which points from the 
								* group to the users (members).
								* If this boolean field is “true” or “1”, the parameter 
								* “domainname” will be interpreted as a BaseBindDN 
								*(example: “ou=People,dc=myorg,dc=com”. Note that if 
								* no explicit domain 
								* whether the LDAP connection should be created and closed 
								* per method call (true), or whether the connection should 
								* stay open until the user handle is closed
 * LDAPPERSONPROPERTYATTR     = "cn,displayName,description,mail,telephoneNumber,  
								* Defines the property names that can be accessed for a user
								* entry. The value is a comma separated list, which contains 
								* the property name. When all of the specified properties do 
								* not exist or are binary properties any user result list 
								* will be empty. 
								* Defines the property names that can be accessed for a group 
								* entry. The value is a comma separated list, which contains 
								* the property name. When all of the specified properties do 
								* not exist or are binary properties any group result list will
								* be empty.
 * LDAPSSLCONNECTION          = true
								* the denoted ldap connection (serverHost and serverPort) is a 
								* secured (over SSL/TLS) connection to an LDAP server
  FOLLOWREFERRALS             = false
								* Whether the SSX must follow referrals or not. true/false
 * REFSERVERBINDINGTYPE       = same_creds
								* What kind of binding during referral following. 
								* same_creds – use same credential for authentication to 
								* the next LDAP server. no_creds use anonymous binding to the 
								* next server
 * REFERRALHOPSCNT            = 1
								* Count of the referral hops. If this parameter is not specified 
								* the count  is unlimited
   RESOLVEGROUPS              = rd

***************************** SSX ADSI ***************************************								

 * SERVERHOST                 = localhost
                                * where takes place the auths
 * SERVERPORT                 = 389
                                * port of server
 * ADSIFORESTDN               = "dc=myorg,dc=com"
                                  * name of ADS forest
                                  * CAREFUL: do not mix with domain name
 * ADSIPERSONBASEBINDDN       = "dc=myusers,dc=com"
								  * Specifies a BindDN that is used to access
								  * a user. Note that this is only useful when 
								  * all users that are accessed are found under 
								  * in the same node
 * ADSIGROUPBASEBINDDN        = "dc=mygroups,dc=com"
                                  * Specifies a BindDN that is used to access 
								  * a group. Note that this is only useful when 
								  * all groups that are accessed are found under 
								  * in the same node. 

   PORT = 11971

   PORT = 11958
   KEY-FILE = "..\..\Etc\IAFAppKey.pem"
   KEY-STORE = "..\..\Etc\IAFAppCert.pem"
** TRUST-STORE = "..\..\Etc\IAFCaCert.pem"

Top of page

IAF Attribute File for Active Directory Using LDAP Interface Authentication

Replace the content of the attribute file you want to configure with the sample code below:

Provide information about your environment by configuring setting in the following attributes (in the SSX LDAP section): SERVERHOST, LDAPPERSONBINDDN and LDAPGROUPBINDDN.

* Attribute file for IAF server.

*    IAFnnn


  BROKER-ID                 = IAFnnn
  RUN-MODE                  = IAF
  TRANSPORT                 = TCP-SSL

  AUTOLOGON                 = YES
  CLIENT-NONACT             = 99
  ICU-CONVERSION            = NO
  NUM-WORKER                = 5
  TRACE-LEVEL               = 0


** IAF Service parameters: *************************************************
  IAF_LISTENADDRESS           = localhost
                                * the IAF servers own name, will be copied
                                * into each IAF Token (future use)
  IAFVALIDTIME                = 300
                                * default time the tokens are valid (in secs)
 * LOCALCODEPAGE              = 
                                * default code page: ISO-8859-1, rsp. IBM-037
                                * used as input to 
                                * MultiByteToWideChar/WideCharToMultiByte
                                * on Windows and
                                * iconv on Unix

** IAF Delegation:            
                                * YES/NO, default: YES
                                * verify if delegated userid really exists
                                * technical user id
                                * domain of technical user
                                * encrypted password of technical user
                                * file name to decrypt techn. user password
                                * allow +/- secs. difference between
                                * SSX program and IAF server
** SSX configuration patameters: *******************************************

***************************** SSX Common ***********************************
  AUTHTYPE                    = LDAP
                                * Native authentication type (OS, INTERNAL, LDAP, ADSI)
  VALIDTIME                   = 0
                                * how long (secs) should user remain in cache
                                * 0=disabled
  DENYTIME                    = 60
                                * deny access for 60 secs after
                                * <denycont> false authentications
  DENYCOUNT                   = 0
                                * 0=deactivate, else no. of invalid auths
                                * before waiting <denytime> secs.
  MAXCACHEDUSERS              = 100
								* no. of successful auth'ed users
  * LOGFILE                   = LOG_FILE_PATH
								* log file path
  * LOGLEVEL				  = 6
								* 0 - 6: set log level
  * DEFAULTDOMAIN             = defaultDomain
								* The default domain name

***************************** SSX OS ***************************************
								* Unix only! Explicit path of the privileged 
								* daemon process. 
  * UNIXADDMACHINENAME		  = true/false
								* Machine name is added before users and groups i.e. 
								* machine_name\user.
  * DEFAULTGROUP              = default_group
								* Any group can be used. Specify a default group name 
								* here that should be returned with any of the group 
								* results which are returned by repository manager.
  * WINNOIMPERSONISATION      = true/false
								* that specifies whether any data access should be made 
								* under the impersonated userid of the logged in user 
								* (false), or whether all access are made under the 
								* account of the running process (true)
***************************** SSX INTERNAL ***************************************

								* path for the file with internal users
***************************** SSX LDAP ***************************************
  SERVERHOST                  = <server_host>
                                * where takes place the auths
  SERVERPORT                  = 389
                                * port of server
  LDAPSERVERTYPE              = ActiveDirectory
                                * use some predefined fields with
                                * "ActiveDirectory", "OpenLdap"(default),
                                * "SunOneDirectory", "Tivoli",
                                * "Novell" or "ApacheDS"
  LDAPPERSONBINDDN            = "dc=eur,dc=ad,dc=<organization>"
                                * node where to find the users
  LDAPGROUPBINDDN             = "DC=ad,DC=<organization>"
								* node where to find the groups
  LDAPUSERIDFIELD             = cn
                                * name of the user id field
  LDAPGROUPIDFIELD            = cn
                                * name of the group id field
  LDAPPERSONOBJECTCLASS       = "top,person,organizationalPerson,user"
								* user object class
  LDAPGROUPOBJECTCLASS        = "top,group"
								* group object class
  LDAPPERSONGRPATTR           = memberOf
								* Property name of a user entry that points 
								* from a user entry to the group that the user 
								* is member of.
 * LDAPGROUPUSRATTR           = member
								* Property name of a group entry which points from the 
								* group to the users (members).
								* If this boolean field is “true” or “1”, the parameter 
								* “domainname” will be interpreted as a BaseBindDN 
								*(example: “ou=People,dc=myorg,dc=com”. Note that if 
								* no explicit domain 
								* whether the LDAP connection should be created and closed 
								* per method call (true), or whether the connection should 
								* stay open until the user handle is closed
 * LDAPPERSONPROPERTYATTR     = "cn,displayName,description,mail,telephoneNumber,  
								* Defines the property names that can be accessed for a user
								* entry. The value is a comma separated list, which contains 
								* the property name. When all of the specified properties do 
								* not exist or are binary properties any user result list 
								* will be empty. 
								* Defines the property names that can be accessed for a group 
								* entry. The value is a comma separated list, which contains 
								* the property name. When all of the specified properties do 
								* not exist or are binary properties any group result list will
								* be empty.
 * LDAPSSLCONNECTION          = true
								* the denoted ldap connection (serverHost and serverPort) is a 
								* secured (over SSL/TLS) connection to an LDAP server
  FOLLOWREFERRALS             = false
								* Whether the SSX must follow referrals or not. true/false
 * REFSERVERBINDINGTYPE       = same_creds
								* What kind of binding during referral following. 
								* same_creds – use same credential for authentication to 
								* the next LDAP server. no_creds use anonymous binding to the 
								* next server
 * REFERRALHOPSCNT            = 1
								* Count of the referral hops. If this parameter is not specified 
								* the count  is unlimited

***************************** SSX ADSI ***************************************								

 * SERVERHOST                 = localhost
                                * where takes place the auths
 * SERVERPORT                 = 389
                                * port of server
 * ADSIFORESTDN               = "dc=myorg,dc=com"
                                  * name of ADS forest
                                  * CAREFUL: do not mix with domain name
 * ADSIPERSONBASEBINDDN       = "dc=myusers,dc=com"
								  * Specifies a BindDN that is used to access
								  * a user. Note that this is only useful when 
								  * all users that are accessed are found under 
								  * in the same node
 * ADSIGROUPBASEBINDDN        = "dc=mygroups,dc=com"
                                  * Specifies a BindDN that is used to access 
								  * a group. Note that this is only useful when 
								  * all groups that are accessed are found under 
								  * in the same node. 

   PORT = 11971

   PORT = 11958
   KEY-FILE = "..\..\Etc\IAFAppKey.pem"
   KEY-STORE = "..\..\Etc\IAFAppCert.pem"
** TRUST-STORE = "..\..\Etc\IAFCaCert.pem"

Top of page

IAF Attribute File for Operating System Authentication

Replace the content of the attribute file you want to configure with the sample code below:

* Attribute file for IAF server.

*    IAFnnn


  BROKER-ID                 = IAFnnn
  RUN-MODE                  = IAF
  TRANSPORT                 = TCP-SSL

  AUTOLOGON                 = YES
  CLIENT-NONACT             = 99
  ICU-CONVERSION            = NO
  NUM-WORKER                = 5
  TRACE-LEVEL               = 0


** IAF Service parameters: *************************************************
  IAF_LISTENADDRESS           = localhost
                                * the IAF servers own name, will be copied
                                * into each IAF Token (future use)
  IAFVALIDTIME                = 300
                                * default time the tokens are valid (in secs)
 * LOCALCODEPAGE              = 
                                * default code page: ISO-8859-1, rsp. IBM-037
                                * used as input to 
                                * MultiByteToWideChar/WideCharToMultiByte
                                * on Windows and
                                * iconv on Unix

** IAF Delegation:            
                                * YES/NO, default: YES
                                * verify if delegated userid really exists
                                * technical user id
                                * domain of technical user
                                * encrypted password of technical user
                                * file name to decrypt techn. user password
                                * allow +/- secs. difference between
                                * SSX program and IAF server
** SSX configuration patameters: *******************************************

***************************** SSX Common ***********************************
  AUTHTYPE                    = OS
                                * Native authentication type (OS, INTERNAL, LDAP, ADSI)
  VALIDTIME                   = 0
                                * how long (secs) should user remain in cache
                                * 0=disabled
  DENYTIME                    = 60
                                * deny access for 60 secs after
                                * <denycont> false authentications
  DENYCOUNT                   = 0
                                * 0=deactivate, else no. of invalid auths
                                * before waiting <denytime> secs.
  MAXCACHEDUSERS              = 100
								* no. of successful auth'ed users
  * LOGFILE                   = LOG_FILE_PATH
								* log file path
  * LOGLEVEL				  = 6
								* 0 - 6: set log level
  * DEFAULTDOMAIN             = defaultDomain
								* The default domain name

***************************** SSX OS ***************************************
								* Unix only! Explicit path of the privileged 
								* daemon process. 
  * UNIXADDMACHINENAME		  = true/false
								* Machine name is added before users and groups i.e. 
								* machine_name\user.
  * DEFAULTGROUP              = default_group
								* Any group can be used. Specify a default group name 
								* here that should be returned with any of the group 
								* results which are returned by repository manager.
  * WINNOIMPERSONISATION      = true/false
								* that specifies whether any data access should be made 
								* under the impersonated userid of the logged in user 
								* (false), or whether all access are made under the 
								* account of the running process (true)
***************************** SSX INTERNAL ***************************************

								 * path for the file with internal users
***************************** SSX LDAP ***************************************
 * SERVERHOST                 = localhost
                                * where takes place the auths
 * SERVERPORT                 = 389
                                * port of server
 * LDAPSERVERTYPE             = OpenLDAP
                                * use some predefined fields with
                                * "ActiveDirectory", "OpenLdap"(default),
                                * "SunOneDirectory", "Tivoli",
                                * "Novell" or "ApacheDS"
 * LDAPPERSONBINDDN           = "ou=people,dc=myorg,dc=com"
                                * node where to find the users
 * LDAPGROUPBINDDN            = "ou=groups,dc=myorg,dc=com"
								* node where to find the groups
 * LDAPUSERIDFIELD            = cn
                                * name of the user id field
 * LDAPGROUPIDFIELD           = cn
                                * name of the group id field
 * LDAPPERSONOBJECTCLASS      = "top,person"
								* user object class
 * LDAPGROUPOBJECTCLASS       = "top,groups"
								* group object class
 * LDAPPERSONGRPATTR          = memberOf
								* Property name of a user entry that points 
								* from a user entry to the group that the user 
								* is member of.
 * LDAPGROUPUSRATTR           = member
								* Property name of a group entry which points from the 
								* group to the users (members).
								* If this boolean field is “true” or “1”, the parameter 
								* “domainname” will be interpreted as a BaseBindDN 
								*(example: “ou=People,dc=myorg,dc=com”. Note that if 
								* no explicit domain 
								* whether the LDAP connection should be created and closed 
								* per method call (true), or whether the connection should 
								* stay open until the user handle is closed
 * LDAPPERSONPROPERTYATTR     = "cn,displayName,description,mail,telephoneNumber,  
								* Defines the property names that can be accessed for a user
								* entry. The value is a comma separated list, which contains 
								* the property name. When all of the specified properties do 
								* not exist or are binary properties any user result list 
								* will be empty. 
 * LDAPGROUPPROPERTYATTR      = "cn,description"
								* Defines the property names that can be accessed for a group 
								* entry. The value is a comma separated list, which contains 
								* the property name. When all of the specified properties do 
								* not exist or are binary properties any group result list will
								* be empty.
 * LDAPSSLCONNECTION          = true
								* the denoted ldap connection (serverHost and serverPort) is a 
								* secured (over SSL/TLS) connection to an LDAP server
 * FOLLOWREFERRALS            = false
								* Whether the SSX must follow referrals or not. true/false
 * REFSERVERBINDINGTYPE       = same_creds
								* What kind of binding during referral following. 
								* same_creds – use same credential for authentication to 
								* the next LDAP server. no_creds use anonymous binding to the 
								* next server
 * REFERRALHOPSCNT            = 1
								* Count of the referral hops. If this parameter is not specified 
								* the count  is unlimited
 * RESOLVEGROUPS              = rd
								* Resolve goups algorithm ru, rd, cp

***************************** SSX ADSI ***************************************								

 * SERVERHOST                 = localhost
                                * where takes place the auths
 * SERVERPORT                 = 389
                                * port of server
 * ADSIFORESTDN               = "dc=myorg,dc=com"
                                  * name of ADS forest
                                  * CAREFUL: do not mix with domain name
 * ADSIPERSONBASEBINDDN       = "dc=myusers,dc=com"
								  * Specifies a BindDN that is used to access
								  * a user. Note that this is only useful when 
								  * all users that are accessed are found under 
								  * in the same node
 * ADSIGROUPBASEBINDDN        = "dc=mygroups,dc=com"
                                  * Specifies a BindDN that is used to access 
								  * a group. Note that this is only useful when 
								  * all groups that are accessed are found under 
								  * in the same node. 

   PORT = 11971

   PORT = 11958
   KEY-FILE = "..\..\Etc\IAFAppKey.pem"
   KEY-STORE = "..\..\Etc\IAFAppCert.pem"
** TRUST-STORE = "..\..\Etc\IAFCaCert.pem"

Top of page