Version 9.5 SP1
 —  EntireX WebSphere MQ RPC Server  —

Administering the EntireX WebSphere MQ Listener

EntireX WebSphere MQ Listener runs as a listener on a WebSphere MQ queue and passes messages to an RPC server. It is used to send messages received from a WebSphere MQ queue to an RPC server applications. This means that existing RPC servers can be used for communication with WebSphere MQ.

The WebSphere MQ Listener can process only MQ messages which are in XML or SOAP format and which can be mapped to a Software AG IDL file, using XML Mapping Editor.

EntireX WebSphere MQ ignores EntireX configuration parameters inside the payload.

This document covers the following topics:

See also Introduction to the WebSphere MQ RPC Server and WebSphere MQ Listener | Advanced WebSphere MQ Listener Functionality.

Customizing the EntireX WebSphere MQ Listener

To set up the WebSphere MQ Listener, there is a configuration file and there are scripts to start the WebSphere MQ Listener.

The WebSphere MQ Listener is contained in entirex.jar. There are two parts: the RPC side and the WebSphere MQ side.

The WebSphere MQ Listener uses the WebSphere MQ base Java classes from IBM. To run the WebSphere MQ Listener, you need either the base Java classes or a full installation of WebSphere. Prerequisites for all EntireX components are described centrally. See Prerequisites for WebSphere MQ RPC Server and WebSphere MQ Listener under UNIX | Windows for the required JAR file(s). The WebSphere MQ environment variables MQ_JAVA_LIB_PATH and MQ_JAVA_INSTALL_PATH must be set.

Make sure that either the local WebSphere MQ installation or the WebSphere MQ Java classes are accessible.

The default name for the configuration file is The WebSphere MQ Listener searches for this file in the current working directory. You can set the name of the configuration file with your file name. Use the slash "/" as file separator. The configuration file contains the configuration for both parts of the WebSphere MQ Listener.

Alternatively, use script wmqbridgelistener.bsh (UNIX) or wmqbridgelistener.bin in the bin directory to start the WebSphere MQ Listener. Both scripts use the configuration file in the folder etc, and both can be customized.

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Configuring the RPC Server Side

The WebSphere MQ Listener converts an MQ message into an RPC request to an RPC server. The RPC server is defined using the following properties.

Name Default Value Explanation
entirex.bridge.xml.encoding utf-8 Encoding of the reply XML document.
entirex.server.brokerid localhost Broker ID
entirex.server.serveraddress RPC/SRV1/CALLNAT Server address
entirex.server.userid WMQBridgeL The Broker user ID.
entirex.server.libname   The RPC library name (optional). The default value is the library name of the XMM/IDL file.
entirex.server.naturallogon no Enables or disables logon to Natural Security for Natural RPC Server.
entirex.server.reliableRPC no If set to "yes", use reliable RPC for the call to the RPC Server.
entirex.server.rpcuser   Optional. RPC user ID (if different from entirex.server.brokerid).
entirex.server.rpcpassword   Optional. RPC password (if different from entirex.server.password).
entirex.server.retrycycles 15 Number of retry attempts if the call to the RPC server is not successful. If all attempts fail, the MQ message will not be committed and the WebSphere MQ Listener will terminate. If a dead-letter queue has been specified, the message will be put to that queue and committed and the Listener will not stop.
entirex.server.retryinterval 20 Retry interval (in seconds) if the call to the RPC server is not successful.
entirex.server.compresslevel 0 (no compression)
Permitted values (you can enter the text or the numeric value):
N 0
Y 8
entirex.server.encryptionlevel 0 Encryption level. Valid values: 0,1,2.
entirex.server.logfile   Path and name of the trace output file.
entirex.server.monitorport 0 The port where the server listens for commands from the System Management Hub (SMH). If this port is 0, no port is used and management by the SMH is disabled.
entirex.server.password   The password for secured access to the Broker. For Java 1.4 and above, the password is encrypted and written to the property entirex.server.password.e. To change the password, set the new password in the properties file (default is To disable password encryption, set entirex.server.passwordencrypt=no (default for this property is yes). For Java 1.3 and below, password encryption is not available. entirex.wmqbridgelistener. properties The file name of the property file. no no/yes/auto/Name of BrokerSecurity object.
entirex.server.logfile   Name of the log file.
entirex.server.verbose no Verbose output to standard output yes/no.
entirex.server.waitserver 60S Wait time for the call to the RPC server.
entirex.timeout 0 TCP/IP transport timeout. See Setting the Transport Timeout under Writing Advanced Applications - EntireX Java ACI.
entirex.trace 0 Trace level (1,2,3).

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Configuring the WebSphere MQ Side

These properties are used to configure the connection to the WebSphere MQ queue manager.

Name Default Value Explanation   If host is not specified, bindings mode is used to connect to the local MQ Server. Otherwise specify the hostname or IP address of the MQ Server.
entirex.wmqbridge.port 1414 Port of the MQ Server. Not used in bindings mode. SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN Channel name used to the MQ Server. Not used in bindings mode.
entirex.wmqbridge.queuemanager   Name of the (local or remote) queue manager. If not specified, a connection is made to the default queue manager.
entirex.wmqbridge.listenqueue   Name of the queue from which messages are retrieved.
entirex.wmqbridge.userid   User ID for MQ Server.
entirex.wmqbridge.password   Password for MQ Server.
entirex.wmqbridge.userexit   Class name for WMQBridge user exit.
entirex.wmqbridge.userexit.classpath   URL of the classpath for WMQBridge user exit (optional).
entirex.wmqbridge.ccsid platform encoding Coded Character Set Identification used by the WebSphere MQ RPC Server (which acts as an MQ client), unused in bindings mode.
entirex.wmqbridge.mqtrace 0 Level of MQ tracing required, from 1 to 5 (5 being the most detailed).
entirex.bridge.xmm   Mandatory. Name of XMM (XML mapping) file; messages to/from MQ will be converted to XML.
entirex.bridge.names.file   Name of a properties file generated with the bridge.tpl template, which contains names of the first level parameters in the IDL file (optional). Necessary if IDL file contains dynamic MQ parameters.
entirex.bridge.verbose no Verbose/trace mode of WebSphere MQ RPC Server
entirex.wmqbridge.environment.sslCipherSuite   Configuration for SSL connection to MQ Server. See the WebSphere MQ documentation for details.
entirex.wmqbridge.environment.sslFipsRequired   Configuration for SSL connection to MQ Server. See the WebSphere MQ documentation for details.
entirex.wmqbridge.priority   Message priority for messages sent to MQ (different from the default priority of the destination queue).
entirex.wmqbridge.deadletterqueue   Name of the queue that will receive unprocessed messages.

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Starting the WebSphere MQ Listener

Use start script wmqlistener.bsh (UNIX) or wmqlistener.bat (Windows) in the folder bin to start the WebSphere MQ Listener. You may customize this file. See also Prerequisites for WebSphere MQ RPC Server and WebSphere MQ Listener under UNIX | Windows.

The start scripts contain references to JAR files in the WS-Stack directory. If you update these JAR files, you may need to customize the JAR file names in the script files.

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Stopping the WebSphere MQ Listener

Use CTRL-C to stop the WebSphere MQ Listener.

On UNIX you can use kill <pid of java process> to stop the WebSphere MQ Listener.

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The trace level for the EntireX RPC part is controlled by the usual entirex.trace property. It can be set in the configuration file. Additional diagnostic output can be enabled by setting the property entirex.server.verbose.

The WebSphere MQ RPC Server-specific diagnostic output is enabled by setting the property entirex.bridge.verbose. In addition, tracing of the IBM WebSphere MQ classes can be influenced with the property entirex.wmqbridge.mqtrace.

Use the RPC server agent of the System Management Hub to dynamically change the level of the diagnostic output. You can specify a value of 0, 1, 2, or 3 which changes the value of entirex.trace. In addition, the value 0 will disable both entirex.server.verbose and entirex.bridge.verbose. A value greater than 0 will enable both entirex.server.verbose and entirex.bridge.verbose.

Redirect the trace to a file with the property entirex.server.logfile. Set this to the file name of the log file.

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