Version 9.5 SP1
 —  Error Messages and Codes  —

Message Class 3000 - NetWeaver XI Adapter

When the sender adapter detects an error situation it returns an RPC message to the RPC client application. All errors returned by the adapter use message class 3000.

The messages have the format:


where 3000 is the message class, and
nnnn is the message number in the range 0000 - 9999.

Overview of Messages

30000001 | 30000002 | 30000003 | 30000004 | 30000005 | 30000006 | 30000007 | 30000008 | 30000009 | 30000010 | 30000011 | 30000012 | 30000013 | 30000014 | 30000015

30000001 Processing RPC request from client failed

During the processing of the RPC request from a client an exception occurred. The message text is the text of the exception.


Check the error message for details. Typical situations are

  1. The RPC request cannot be converted into a PI message, or

  2. PI returned an error response.

30000002 Listening for an RPC request from client failed

An exception occurred while the adapter was waiting for an RPC request or while it was analyzing a request received from a client. The message text is the text of the exception.


Check the error message for details.

30000003 Multiple channels configured for program

There are multiple specific channel configurations for the same program name in PI.


Correct the channel configurations in PI.

30000004 Multiple generic channels configured

There are multiple generic channel configurations (Processing Type=Process all Programs) for the same RPC server address in PI.


Correct the channel configurations in PI.

30000005 No channel configuration found for program

No channel configuration can be found for the program name specified in the RPC client request.


Correct the RPC client application or specify a channel configuration in PI for this program.

30000006 XMM file of channel channel has no definition for program

A generic channel configuration is available but the XMM file does not contain an entry for the program name specified in the RPC client request.


Correct the RPC client application or the channel configuration in PI.

30000007 Unknown RPC server command cmd

The adapter received an unknown server command from the RPC client.


Check the RPC client.

30000008 Invalid RPC call with type type

The adapter received a request type from the RPC client.


Check the RPC client.

30000009 Conversational RPC not possible

The adapter received a conversational RPC request type from the client. The adapter does not support conversational RPC.


Correct your RPC client application so that it does not use conversational RPC.

30000010 Program programName in lib libraryName cannot be used with QoS qos

The adapter received an RPC request type from the client which contained OUT or INOUT parameters. Only RPC requests with IN parameters can be processed for Quality of Service "Exactly Once" (EO) or "Exactly Once in Order" (EOIO).


Correct your RPC client application so that it uses only IN parameters. Or reconfigure the Communication Channel with Quality of Service "Best Effort" (BE).

30000011 Duplicate Sender Agreement for program/interface programName found

More than one Sender Agreement has been found with the same interface name for the mentioned program.


Change the Sender Agreements so that only one Sender Agreement with the same interface name exists for every Communication Channel.

30000012 No Sender Agreement for program/interface programName found

No Sender Agreement has been found for the mentioned program.


If the parameter Processing Type has the value Process a specific Program, define a Sender Agreement for the Communication Channel. If the parameter has the value Process all Programs, define a Sender Agreement for the mentioned program where the interface name is identical to the program name.

30000013 First parameter has incorrect format for external Message ID: message

The parameter First Parameter of RPC Program is used as Message ID has been selected in the Communication Channel. This parameter does not have the correct format. For details see the error message. Most likely the first parameter is not declared with the type A36.


Correct the definition of the first parameter or deselect the parameter in the Communication Channel.

30000014 Program programName in lib libraryName cannot be used with Reliable RPC

The RPC client is sending a Reliable RPC call to a Communication Channel which is using "EntireX RPC" as the message protocol.


Either change the client so it uses standard RPC, or set the message protocol in the Communication Channel to "EntireX Reliable RPC".

30000015 Program programName in lib libraryName can only be used with Reliable RPC

The RPC client is sending a standard RPC call to a Communication Channel which is using "EntireX Reliable RPC" as the message protocol.


Either change the client so it uses Reliable RPC, or set the message protocol in the Communication Channel to "EntireX RPC".

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