Version 9.5 SP1
 —  Error Messages and Codes  —

Message Class 0014 - EntireX ACI - Broker Stub Version 1

This page describes messages with message class 0014: Error in Broker Stub Version 1. The messages have the format:


where 0014 is the message class, and
nnnn is the message number in the range 0000 - 9999

This message class indicates a problem in the Broker stub being used. Examine the specific error message for the error number and make the correction. You should then be able to restart the application.

Overview of Messages


00140213 Insufficient Memory For Stub

The Broker stub cannot allocate the storage needed to process the request.


If you are using a Natural application in a mainframe environment, try to reduce or remove Natural buffers from the Natural space management. See the appropriate Natural Operations documentation for valid Natural buffer profile parameters such as ASIZE, CSIZE, DSIZE. When issuing the first call from any mainframe Natural platform, a buffer of 33 KB must be available within Natural space management.

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