Version 9.5 SP1
 —  Administration under Windows  —

Configuring Authorization Rules

An authorization rule is used to perform an access check for a particular Broker instance against an (authenticated) user ID and list of rules. Checks are performed on a UNIX or Windows Broker kernel, using standard EntireX Security on these platforms. Authorization rules can be stored within a repository. When an authorization call occurs, the security exit performs checks based on the values of Broker attributes AUTHORIZATIONDEFAULT and AUTHORIZATIONRULE.

This document covers the following topics:

See also Administering Authorization Rules using System Management Hub

Configuration of LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) Server

General Considerations for all LDAP Server Products

An LDAP server is a prerequisite (based on LDAPv3); it is not installed with EntireX.

Tested LDAP servers include IBM Secureway Directory, Microsoft Active Directory. For the installation of the LDAP server, see the respective product documentation. All servers have to support the attribute types sag-key, sag-value and the object-class sag-xds. They are defined in the following schema.

      NAME 'sag-key'
      DESC 'User Defined Attribute'
      SYNTAX '')
      NAME 'sag-value'
      DESC 'User Defined Attribute'
      SYNTAX '')
      NAME 'sag-xds'
      DESC 'User Defined ObjectClass'
      SUP 'top'
      MUST ( objectclass $ sag-key )
      MAY ( aci $ sag-value ) )

We recommend setting up a separate branch in the directory for authorization rules. The distinguished name of this branch is the value of the configuration setting baseDN. See Configuration of Authorization Rule Agent using System Management Hub below.

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Configuration of Authorization Rule Agent using System Management Hub

Configuration File xds.ini

Edit file xds.ini to configure the EntireX authorization rule agent, which is a plug-in of the System Management Hub. xds.ini is the configuration of the directory access for authorization rules. This file is needed on each computer that is a managed host for the System Management Hub or where authorization rules are used.

The syntax of this file is the syntax of Windows .ini files. For authorization rules, all lines in the section [Authorization Rules] are used. Each line has the format <key>=<value>, where <value> is the contents of the line after the first '='. The keys are not case-sensitive. Lines starting with ';' are comments.

Under Windows, xds.ini is located in <drive>:\SoftwareAG\EntireX\config. This configuration in xds.ini is used by all other components to access the directory.

If you use read access, an LDAP server with authentication, and only one LDAP user (account), the xds.ini is the same on all computers accessing the same directory. Then you can deploy xds.ini with a deployment tool.

xds.ini with the LDAP Server

The section for authorization rules looks as follows:

[Authorization Rules]
where <DN> is the base distinguished name of the directory object that is the root of all objects for authorization rules; <DN> must not be empty
  <host> is the host of the LDAP server.
  <port> is the port of the LDAP server. Default is 389 for TCP communication; default port for SSL is 636
  <protocol> is is either "ldap" (default) for TCP communication, or "ldaps" for SSL

For authenticated access to the LDAP server, use the keywords authDN and authPass,

where <user> is the DN of the user
  <ldap_password> is the password of this user
The password is not encrypted in xds.ini

For unauthenticated access to the LDAP server, do not include these keywords authDN and authPass in the xds.ini.



xds.ini with a Flat File Directory

If a flat file directory is used, the section for authorization rules looks as follows:

[Authorization Rules]

Under Windows, the file is created by the System Management Hub if it does not exist. The folder for the file must exist. The file may be shared over the network and is accessible to all clients. The file must have at least change permission on Windows. If the flat file directory is located on a Windows host, this host must be a Managed Host in the System Management Hub. Only local flat file directories can be written on a Managed Host on Windows.

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