Version 9.5 SP1
 —  Administration under Windows  —

Configuring a Single Broker with SMH

Starting a Local Broker

Start of instruction setTo start a local broker

  1. Select the EntireX Broker node below the EntireX node in System Management.

  2. Select the broker name to be started.

  3. From the context menu, choose Start Broker.

Before you start a local Broker, make sure that the Broker's etbsrv service or daemon is running and try again. See Broker Service 'etbsrv'.

A broker process is started in its working directory. The started broker establishes a connection to the local Administration Service and provides information such as the used and activated ports. The information is updated every 60 seconds. If an attribute file is modified after a broker has been started, this does not result in incorrect information. If a broker is started manually by a local user and the attribute file is not in the working directory under the EntireX directory config/etb, the broker can be administered only to a limited extent. It is only possible to stop this broker. Each local broker is displayed by the Administration Service in SMH. The brokers that were started manually have the status "Running: unmanaged Broker with restricted access" in SMH. If the broker is to be administered without restrictions, the working directory and attribute file must be located under the EntireX directory config/etb.

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Restarting a Local Broker

Start of instruction setTo restart a local broker

  1. Select the EntireX Broker node below the EntireX node in System Management.

  2. Select the broker name to be administered.

  3. From the context menu, choose Restart Broker.

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Stopping a Local Broker

Start of instruction setTo stop a local broker

  1. Select the EntireX Broker node below the EntireX node in System Management.

  2. Select the broker name to be administered.

  3. From the context menu, choose Stop Broker.

  4. Choose OK.

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Administering a Broker Attribute File

This section covers the following topics:

Editing an Attribute File

Start of instruction setTo edit a broker attribute file

  1. Select the EntireX Broker node below the EntireX node in System Management.

  2. Select the broker name to be administered.

  3. From the context menu, choose Edit Attribute File.

    There is another vertical scrollbar for the editor itself. Scroll the horizontal scrollbar to the right in order to see it. In addition, you can use Ctrl Home and Ctrl End to get the first and the last pages, respectively.

  4. Edit your changes.

  5. Choose Save.

  6. Choose Restart for the changes to take effect.

edit attribute file

Uploading an Attribute File

Start of instruction setTo upload a broker attribute file

  1. Select the EntireX Broker node below the EntireX node in System Management.

  2. Select the broker name to be administered.

  3. From the context menu, choose Edit Attribute File.

  4. Choose Upload.

  5. Choose Browse and select the local attribute file.

    upload attribute file

    As a result, the upload starts automatically followed by a message "Upload completed!".

Downloading an Attribute File

Start of instruction setTo download a broker attribute file

  1. Select the EntireX Broker node below the EntireX node in System Management.

  2. Select the broker name to be administered.

  3. From the context menu, choose Edit Attribute File.

  4. Choose Download.

    In the ensuing dialog box, choose Save.


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Administering a Log File

This section covers the following topics:

Showing a Log File

Start of instruction setTo show a broker log file

  1. Select the EntireX Broker node below the EntireX node in System Management.

  2. Select the broker name to be administered.

  3. From the context menu, choose Show Log File.

    There is another vertical scrollbar for the editor itself. Scroll the horizontal scrollbar to the right in order to see it. In addition, you can use Ctrl Home and Ctrl End to get the first and the last pages, respectively.

  4. Choose Close.

    show log file

Downloading a Log File

Start of instruction setTo download a broker log file

  1. Select the EntireX Broker node below the EntireX node in System Management.

  2. Select the broker name to be administered.

  3. From the context menu, choose Download Log File.

    A message "Download file from host" appears and after it a hyperlink labeled Download.

  4. Follow the hyperlink Download.


  5. Use the ensuing dialog box to save the log file on the local machine.

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Setting the Local Broker Autostart Value

The autostart value of a broker instance determines whether it will be started when the computer is restarted.

Start of instruction setTo set the Autostart value

  1. Select the EntireX Broker node below the EntireX node in System Management.

  2. Select the broker name to be administered.

  3. If the broker instance is currently started automatically, only the Turn off Autostart command is visible; if the broker instance is currently not started automatically, the Turn on Autostart command is visible.

  4. Choose either Turn on Autostart or Turn off Autostart.

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Enabling the SNMP Plug-in

Before a broker can be administered by SNMP, the SNMP plug-in must be enabled. In addition, the SNMP Plug-in credentials (user ID and password) must be set.

Start of instruction setTo enable the SNMP plug-in

  1. Select the EntireX Broker node below the EntireX node in System Management.

  2. Select the broker.

  3. From the context menu, choose Enable SNMP.

  4. Enter a user ID and password that are valid for the broker instance.

  5. Choose Verify to check if a logon to the broker is okay with the SNMP plug-in credentials, or click OK to save the SNMP plug-in credentials without any verification.

  6. Choose Close when the Success message is displayed.

    enabling snmp

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Disabling the SNMP Plug-in

Start of instruction setTo disable the SNMP plug-in

  1. Select the EntireX Broker node below the EntireX node in System Management.

  2. Select the broker.

  3. From the context menu, choose Disable SNMP.

  4. Choose Close when the Success message is displayed.

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