Version 9.5 SP1
 —  Administration under IBM i  —

Administration of Broker Stubs under IBM i

This document covers the following topics:

Using the Security Exit

When you start a Broker ACI application program, the ACI service program searches your library list for the Security Exit service SECUEXIT. If it is found, it will be used automatically.

Using the Security Exit supplied by Software AG

In this delivery package, a Security Exit named X_SECUEXIT is provided by Software AG. However, this file does not match the required name SECUEXIT. So by default, the Broker ACI runs without using a Security Exit.

Start of instruction setTo use the Software AG-supplied Security Exit Program

  1. Rename the *SRVPGM-type program X_SECUEXIT to SECUEXIT and

  2. Start your user application. The bound Broker ACI will find and use the exit.

For detailed information, see Sample Security Exits for Broker Security.

Creating your own Security Exit Program

A user-supplied security exit must meet the following minimum requirements:

Entry points
Service program exports
 EXPORT SYMBOL('etbupre')


Calling convention
 int etbueva(ETBCB *pEtbCb,
 void *pEncBuf,
 void *pReserved,
 char *pErrTxt)
 int etbupre(ETBCB *pEtbCb,
 void *pSndBuf,
 void *pReserved,
 char *pErrTxt)

Sample source: EXASRC(SECUEXIT)

Create a Service Program for a security user exit Sample source: EXASRC(EXACRTSXIT)
This CL procedure creates module SECUEXIT from a C source and binds it to the service program SUEXIT.

Start of instruction setTo create a security exit program

  1. Write the source code, include the necessary encryption and decryption algorithms. The supplied C example SECUEXIT provides a framework for the basic functionality.

  2. Create a source file of the type *BND for the service program exports (see Creating your own Security Exit Program.

  3. Compile the source code.

  4. Create the service program.

    See the CL Program sample EXACRTSXIT that contains the relevant commands (CRTCMOD and CRTSRVPGM) for compiling and creating a service program. In that example a service program named SUEXIT is created.

  5. Usually, the Software AG-supplied security exit is named X_SECUEXIT. If you have previously renamed it SECUEXIT, rename it back now to X_SECUEXIT for backup reasons.

    Then rename the security exit service program SUEXIT you have just created to SECUEXIT.

  6. Test the application. When you start your application program, the Broker ACI automatically finds and uses the Security Exit SECUEXIT.

The samples above are based on C examples. For other languages such as ILE COBOL and ILE RPG, use the respective compiler.

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Tracing for Broker Stubs under IBM i

To request a log file from the Broker stub, the environment variable ETB_STUBLOG must be set. The value of this variable defines how detailed the log will be.

The following table describes the trace values for ETB_STUBLOG:

Trace Level Description
0 NONE No tracing.
1 STANDARD Traces initialization, errors, and all ACI request/reply strings.
2 ADVANCED Used primarily by system engineers, traces everything from level 1 and provides additional information - for example the Broker ACI control block - as well as information from the transports.
3 SUPPORT This is full tracing through the stub, including detailed traces of control blocks, message information, etc.

Start of instruction setTo evaluate error conditions

  1. Set the environment variable: run the program EXASETENV or use the command:


    To change the value of the variable, use the command WRKENVVAR or change and recompile the source file in EXASRC.

  2. Re-run the example programs.

    The member names in the file LOG are created with the prefix ETB and the six-digit process ID (ETBpppppp).

    The file will be overwritten if you restart your application in the same session.

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