Version 9.5 SP1

Suite Usage Aspects

Products of the webMethods suite use the CentraSite Registry Repository for storing and maintaining their objects and object types. These objects and object types should normally only be maintained by the suite products themselves, rather than by a CentraSite user who has access to such objects and object types. Thus, for example, a user of CentraSite Control who has access to the objects and object types, such as a user with the "CentraSite Administrator" role, must avoid making any change that would cause the objects or objects types to become unusable by the suite products.

This document summarizes the main points to watch out for when working with objects an object types used by the suite products.

blueball Versioning Assets
blueball Modifying or Deleting Assets
blueball Publishing an Asset
blueball Communication with Designer UI
blueball User Accounts
blueball UDDI Clients
blueball Using CentraSite with ARIS

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