Version 9.5 SP1
 —  ApplinX Release Notes  —

What's New in Release 9.0.0

Web Page Integration

The Web Page Integration feature enables simulating web browser activity and exposing it as a standard web service or integrating it with other ApplinX procedures. Web browser activity is simulated within ApplinX by recording and entering/capturing relevant web content using Web browser based tools. The web content is automatically produced by a new type of Procedure – the Web Procedure. This Procedure is specifically designed to enable integrating the User Interface (UI) of Web Pages within ApplinX taking advantage of the flexible and dynamic capabilities incorporated within ApplinX Procedure infrastructure. These procedures can be exposed as services in the same way the existing ApplinX procedures such as Path and Flow Procedures are exposed.

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Support for IPv6

ApplinX supports working with IPv6 as well as IPv4 when working with ApplinX components that use IP addresses.

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The license mechanism in ApplinX has been enriched and now displays how many licenses you have for each solution (in the Server Properties ) and also (using Administrative Web Services) enables retrieving data regarding the use of the different license types, such as the number of connections currently being used per license type. Refer to the License Key Concept.

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.Net 4 Support

ApplinX .Net frameworks are now available in .NET framework v4.0 on both 32 and 64 bit operating systems.

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