Uninstall Mobile Administrator
To uninstall Mobile Administrator from a virtual machine, follow the Oracle VM VirtualBox or Vagrant instructions.
To uninstall Mobile Administrator from a physical machine, follow the instructions below.
1. Back up your data files (for example, application binaries or screenshots that have been generated by Mobile Administrator). The data files are stored in the /var/www/appfresh/public/datafiles directory.
2. Export your MySQL database. For instructions, see the vendor documentation.
3. Go to the Software AG_directory /MobileAdministrator directory.
4. Stop Mobile Administrator by running the command /etc/init.d/appfresh-mobile stop
5. Remove the appfresh directory by running the command rm -rf /var/www/appfresh
6. Remove the appfresh-mobile directory by running the command rm -rf /var/run/appfresh-mobile
7. Remove the database by running the command mysql -uroot -e 'drop database appfreshmobile'
8. Remove the Apache virtual host by running the command rm /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/25-appfresh*