Complete Installation and Upgrade Information for Software AG Products : Installing Software AG Products : Installing and Uninstalling Apama : Install Products : Start the Installer, Provide General Information, and Choose the Products to Install
Start the Installer, Provide General Information, and Choose the Products to Install
As you go through the Software AG Installer, you will be asked for various types of information, such as product license files and database connection parameters. Scan the pages in this chapter that show the installer panels you will encounter, and gather the information you will need before starting the installer.
Read the requirements in Using the Software AG Installer (for example, the requirement to create a user account that has the proper privileges for Windows and that is non-root for UNIX). Follow the instructions in that guide to start the installer and provide general information such as proxy server, release to install, installation directory, and how to use the product selection tree.
Unless otherwise stated for a specific product, do not install products from this release into a Software AG directory that contains products from any other release. Unless otherwise stated for a specific product, you cannot mix products from different releases in the same installation directory; if you do so, you will experience problems or be unable to access functionality.
On the product selection tree, select the Apama components to install.
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