Complete Installation and Upgrade Information for Software AG Products : Using the Software AG Update Manager : Installing Fixes : Install or Uninstall Fixes Using a Script
Install or Uninstall Fixes Using a Script
1. If you created the script while installing from an image, make sure the image is still available under the same name and in the same location.
2. Run the appropriate command below.
Go to the Software AG_directory \UpdateManager\bin directory and run this command:
UpdateManagerGUI.bat -readScript full_path_to_script
-installDir full_path_to_installation_directory
Go to the Software AG_directory /UpdateManager/bin directory and run this command:
./ -readScript full_path_to_script
-installDir full_path_to_installation_directory
You can override other parameters that are specified in the script file by typing the option -parameter value on the command. For example, if you are installing Integration Serverfixes and you want to override the user name, you would specify -isUsername value. If you want to override a password parameter, type the value in clear text, not encrypted.
3. If you installed fixes, restart the products on which you installed the fixes.
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