Complete Installation and Upgrade Information for Software AG Products : Using the Software AG Update Manager : Installing Fixes : Overinstall or Reinstall Fixes
Overinstall or Reinstall Fixes
If you find that a fix has not been installed correctly or is corrupted, you can overinstall the fix. If the Update Manager fix selection tree shows a fix as being installed but you know that it is not, you can reinstall the fix. Run the appropriate command below, and then install the fix as instructed earlier in this chapter.
Go to the Software AG_directory \UpdateManager\bin directory and run this command:
UpdateManagerGUI.bat -overInstall true
-installDir full_path_to_installation_directory
Go to the Software AG_directory /UpdateManager/bin directory and run this command:
./ -overInstall true
-installDir full_path_to_installation_directory
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