OneData Requirements
1. Go to the old_Software AG_directory\profiles\ODE\configuration\com.softwareag.platform.config.propsloader directory. Open the file and the file and note the port numbers.
2. Go to the indicated directory and open the file or files below.
9.0, 9.5, 9.6, 9.7, or 9.8 upgrade: Go to the
old_Software AG_directory\profiles\ODE\configuration\tomcat\conf directory and open the context.xml file.
9.9 or 9.10 upgrade: Go to the
old_Software AG_directory\profiles\ODE\configuration\com.softwareag.platform.config.propsloader directory and open the
repository_name files, where
repository_name is the repository name you provided during installation and
schema is md, wa, or ra.
Note the database connection prefixes at the beginning of the user names for the metadata, work area, and release area schemas. For example, in the metadata schema user name dev2_md, the connection prefix is dev2. Also note any database parameters such as maxIdle, maxActive, and maxWait that are specified for the schemas.
3. Go to the old_Software AG_directory\profiles\ODE\bin\onedata\config directory. Open the repository.xml file and note the Repository Id (RepositoryID element) and Repository Name (Name element).