Writing Applications with the DCOM Wrapper

This document covers the following topics:


There are several possibilities to trace the DCOM Wrapper. For details, see Tracing webMethods EntireX under UNIX | Windows | BS2000 | z/VSE.

Using Internationalization with the DCOM Wrapper

It is assumed that you have read the document Internationalization with EntireX and are familiar with the various internationalization approaches described there.

The DCOM Wrapper uses by default the Windows ANSI codepage (CP_ACP) to convert the Unicode (UTF-16) representation within BSTRINGS to the multibyte or single-byte encoding sent to/received from the broker. This codepage is also transferred as part of the locale string to tell the broker the encoding of the data if communicating with a broker version 7.2.x and above.

If you want to adapt the Windows ANSI codepage refer to the Regional Settings in the Windows Control Panel and your Windows documentation.

The following applies to the property codepage:

  • A DCOM Wrapper programmer can override the default Windows ANSI codepage the DCOM Wrapper uses. Use the Windows codepage number in numerical form to specify a different one, see the property Codepage in the section Standard Wrapper Properties. If a codepage is provided, it is transferred as part of the locale string to the Broker for all Broker versions. Use CP_ACP to send the default Windows ANSI codepage to the Broker.

  • The Windows codepage used by the DCOM Wrapper must also be a supported codepage of the broker depending on the internationalization approach. See Locale String Mapping for information on how the broker derives the codepage from the locale string.

If communicating with a Broker version 7.1.x and below and if no locale string is provided by the DCOM Wrapper programmer, an administrator can force a locale string to be sent with the environment variable ERX_CODEPAGE.

When setting the codepage with the environment variable ERX_CODEPAGE:

  • The ERX_CODEPAGE environment variable is ignored if the application programmer has already provided a codepage.

  • The value of the ERX_CODEPAGE environment variable must be the name of the system's default codepage. Under Windows, simply apply the value "LOCAL" to specify the default Windows ANSI codepage.

  • The codepage specified must be one that is supported by the Broker, depending on the Broker's internationalization approach. See Locale String Mapping for information on how the broker derives the codepage from the locale string.

  • Before starting the application, set the locale string with the environment variable ERX_CODEPAGE.



Setting Transport Methods for the DCOM Wrapper

The procedure for setting the transport methods and timeout for the EntireX DCOM Wrapper is the same as for the Broker stubs.

See Transport Methods for Broker Stubs under z/OS | UNIX | Windows | BS2000 | z/VSE | z/VM.