Introduction to the DCOM Wrapper

The EntireX DCOM Wrapper generates DCOM-enabled components using RPC technology. This so-called "wrapping" makes it possible to treat existing applications as ActiveX components.

The DCOM Wrapper provides access to server applications on server platforms such as z/OS, UNIX or Windows from DCOM-enabled applications, for example ActiveX applications running on various Windows platforms.

The DCOM Wrapper uses a Software AG IDL file (Interface Definition Language) that describes the RPC interface and generates a Wrapper object from the interface description. The Wrapper object is an ActiveX automation server that exposes the remote server's procedures as methods. Internally, the object maps these methods to RPC function calls. The generated automation objects can be used from any application that is an ActiveX automation controller.

The functionality provided by the EntireX Mini Runtime of EntireX version 9.7 and below is now delivered as a separate component under Infrastructure > Libraries > EntireX Libraries in the Software AG Installer. See Software AG documentation Installing webMethods and Intelligent Business Operations Products. After installation you will find the files under <inst_root>\common\EntireX\exx_32\bin.