Broker Command-line Utilities

EntireX Broker provides the following internal services: Command Service and Information Service, which can be used to administer and monitor brokers. Because these services are implemented internally, nothing has to be started or configured. You can use these services immediately after starting EntireX Broker. This document covers the following topics:


Queries the Broker for different types of information, generating an output text string with basic formatting. This text output can be further processed by script languages. ETBINFO uses data descriptions called profiles to control the type of data that is returned for a request. ETBINFO is useful for monitoring and administering EntireX Broker efficiently, for example how many users can run concurrently and whether the number of specified message containers is large enough.

Although basic formatting of the output is available, it is usually formatted by script languages or other means external to the Broker.

Running the Command-line Utility

In a z/OS environment, run the command-line utility ETBINFO as shown below.

The service data set name and member cannot be accessed directly, but only indirectly by its DD name in the JCL.

// PARM=('ENVAR(''ETB_STUBLOG=0'')/ -p "//''EXX912.JOBS(BROKER)''" ',
//       '-bbrokerid -dBROKER -xuid -ypwd')
//STEPLIB  DD   DISP=SHR,DSN=< EXB-load-lib >
//         DD   DISP=SHR,DSN=< EXX-load-lib >
//         DD   DISP=SHR,DSN=< WAL-load-lib >
//TRACE1   DD   SYSOUT=*                               stublog
//SYSOUT   DD   SYSOUT=*                               stderr
//SYSPRINT DD   SYSOUT=*                               stdout

The SVC number specified in the ADARUN parameter must match the SVC number used for the target Broker ID.

Command-line Parameters

The table below explains the command-line parameters. The format string and profile parameters are described in detail following the table. All entries in the Option column are case-sensitive.

Option Command-line Parameter Req/
-b brokerid R Broker identifier, for example localhost:1971:TCP.
-c class O Class as selection criterion.
-C   O Create output with comma-separated values, suitable for input into a spreadsheet or other analysis tool. Any format string specified by means of format string or profile command-line parameters is ignored.
-d object R Possible values:
Object Provides Info on
BROKER Broker.
CLIENT Client.
CMDLOG-FILTER Command log filter.
CONVERSATION Conversation.
NET Entire Net-Work transport.
PARTICIPANT Participant.
POOL-USAGE Broker pool usage.
PSF Unit-of-work status.
PSFADA Adabas persistent store.
PSFCTREE c-tree persistent store.
PSFDIV DIV persistent store.
RESOURCE-USAGE Broker resource usage.
SECURITY EntireX Security.
SERVER Server.
SERVICE Service.
SSL SSL transport.
STATISTICS Broker statistics.
TCP TCP transport.
UOW-STATISTICS Units of work per service.
USER Participant (short).
WORKER Worker.
WORKER-USAGE Worker usage.
-e recv class O Receiver's class name. This selection criterion is valid only for object PSF.
-f Format String O Format string how you expect the output. See Profile.
-g recv service O Receiver's service name. This selection criterion is valid only for object PSF.
-h help O Prints help information.
-i convid O Conversation ID as selection criterion. Only valid for object CONVERSATION.
-I conv type O Conversation's type.
-j recv server O Receiver's server name. This selection criterion is valid only for object PSF.
-k recv token O Receiver's token. This selection criterion is valid only for object PSF.
-l level O The amount of information displayed:
FULL All information.
SHORT User-specific information.
-m recv userid O Receiver's user ID. This selection criterion is valid only for object PSF.
-n server name O Server name. This selection criterion is valid only for the objects SERVER, SERVICE or CONVERSATION.
-p pds(member) O Here you can specify a PDS member that defines the layout of the output. There are default files you can modify or you can use your own. The default files are:
See Profile.
-q puserid O Physical user ID. This selection criterion is valid only for objects CLIENT, SERVER, CONVERSATION,

Must be a hex value.

-r sec O Refresh information after seconds.
-s service O Service. This selection criterion is valid only for objects SERVER, SERVICE or CONVERSATION.
-t token O This selection criterion is valid only for objects CLIENT, SERVER, SERVICE or CONVERSATION.
-u userid O User ID. This selection criterion is only valid for the display types CLIENT, SERVER, SERVICE or CONVERSATION.
-v UOW status O Unit of work status. This selection criterion is valid only for object PSF.
-w UOW ID O Unit of work ID. This selection criterion is valid only for object PSF.
-x userid O User ID. For security purposes.
-y password O Password. For security purposes.
-z token O Used with userid to uniquely identify a caller to Command and Information Services.

Command-line Parameters from File

ETBINFO supports an alternative method of passing command-line parameters.

If the DDNAME INFFILE is allocated, using

//INFFILE  DD  DISP=SHR,DSN=pds(member)

and no command-line parameters are specified in the EXEC instruction, the content of the allocated member is evaluated. See sample member below (the apostrophes are included to show the record format (LRECL 80):

'-blocalhost:3930:TCP                                                            '
'-dBROKER                                                                        '

If ETBINFO is configured using INFFILE and a profile is specified, the syntax of the -p is as follows:

-p//'dsname(member)' if a PDS member is used
-p//'dsname' if a sequential data set is used

The syntax is based on IBM conventions for fopen.

Make sure INFFILE does not contain line numbers in columns 73-80. If line numbers are present, arguments are not passed correctly.


If you do not use the profile option or a format string, your output will be an unformatted list with all columns of that display type. To display specific columns, specify a profile that includes only those columns.

The following default sample profiles include all the columns defined for each display type:

  • CONV
  • NET
  • POOL
  • PSF
  • SSL
  • TCP
  • USER

You can either delete the columns not required or copy the default profile and modify the order of the columns. Ensure that the column names have a leading "%". Column names can be written in one line or on separate lines. The output is always written side by side. With profile parameters %DATE and %TIME you can provide a timestamp for the command-line query.

Location of Profiles

On z/OS, the profiles used to control the format of data displayed are members of the EXB source library and are named SERVER, CLIENT, etc. They can be saved as either sequential files or PDS members.

Example 1

Profile for object SERVICE: SERVICE.

//         '-p "//''EXX912.JOBS(SERVICE)''" -l FULL -xUID')

The following list is displayed:

SAG                              ETBCIS     INFO  
 1 0 16 86400 0 31647 0 00 00 00 00 0 0  
SAG                              ETBCIS     USER-INFO
 2 0 16 86400 0 31647 0 00 00 00 00 0 0                  
SAG                              ETBCIS     CMD      
 6 0 16 86400 0 31647 0 00 00 00 00 0 0

Example 2

Your own profile: MYPROF

//         '-p "//''EXX912.JOBS(MYPROF)''" -xUID')

In this case, MYPROF contains:%4.4SERVERCLASS %SERVERNAME

The following list is displayed:


Sample Profiles for ETBINFO

You can find the sample profiles for ETBINFO in your EXB source library.

Format String

The format string, if specified, will override the use of a profile. The format string is built like a printf() in C language. The string must be enclosed in quotation marks. You can specify the columns by using a "%" and the column name. The column name must contain letters only. Numeric characters are not allowed. You can specify the length of column output by using a format precision, as in the ANSI-C printf() function. The column name must be followed by a blank. For example:

etbinfo -b ETB001 -d BROKER -f "%12.12CPLATNAME   %NUM-SERVER      %NUM-CLIENT"

which produces the following output, for example:

MVS/SP 7.04 30 100

You can also use an arbitrary column separator, which can be any character other than "%". You can use \n for a new line in the output and \t for a tabulator in the format string or profile. For example:

etbinfo -b ETB001 -d SERVER -f "UserID: %5.5USER-ID Token: %5.5TOKEN"

which produces:

UserID: HUGO  Token: MYTOK
UserID: EGON  Token: 
UserID: HELMU Token: Helmu

If you want to structure your output a little more, you can operate with the \n or \t character. For example:

etbinfo -b ETB001 -d SERVICE -f  "Class:%5.5SERVER-CLASS \n\tName:%5.5SERVER-NAME \n\tService:%5.5SERVICE"

which produces:


You can also add a timestamp to the query:

etbinfo -b ETB001 -d BROKER -f "%DATE %TIME"

which produces:

2014-08-19 10:00:00.234


For establishing an SSL connection on z/OS, IBM's Application Transparent Transport Layer Security (AT-TLS) can be used where the establishment of the SSL connection is pushed down the stack into the TCP layer.

Configure the AT-TLS rules for the policy agent (PAGENT) graphics/no4.gif using an appropriate client graphics/no1.gif and the z/OS Management Facility (z/OSMF) graphics/no2.gif. Together with SSL parameters (to provide certificates stored in z/OS as RACF keyrings) define AT-TLS rules, for example by using the application graphics/no5.gif job name and remote TCP port number. If the rules match, the TCP connection is turned into an SSL connection graphics/no6.gif. Refer to your IBM documentation for more information, for example the IBM Redbook Communications Server for z/OS VxRy TCP/IP Implementation Volume 4: Security and Policy-Based Networking.


graphics/no1.gif Client to interact with z/OS Management Facility (z/OSMF).
graphics/no2.gif AT-TLS rules are defined with z/OSMF policy management.
graphics/no3.gif Policy Repository with AT-TLS rules stored as z/OS files.
graphics/no4.gif Policy Agent, MVS task PAGENT, provides AT-TLS rules through a policy enforcement point (PEP) to TCP/IP stack.
graphics/no5.gif Application using TCP connection.
graphics/no6.gif If AT-TLS rules match, the TCP connection is turned into an SSL connection.


  1. The client graphics/no1.gif may vary per operating system, for example a Web browser for z/OS 2.1.
  2. z/OSMF graphics/no2.gif includes other administration and management tasks in addition to policy management.
  3. Policy Management graphics/no3.gif includes other rules, such as IP filtering, network address translation etc.

Start of instruction setTo set up SSL with AT-TLS

  1. To operate with SSL, certificates need to be provided and maintained. Depending on the platform, Software AG provides default certificates, but we strongly recommend that you create your own. See SSL/TLS Sample Certificates Delivered with EntireX in the EntireX Security documentation.

  2. Set up the tool for a TCP/IP connection. On mainframe platforms, use Transport-method-style Broker ID. Example:

  3. Configure AT-TLS to turn the TCP/IP connection to an SSL connection, see above.

  4. Make sure the broker is prepared for SSL connections as well. See Running Broker with SSL/TLS Transport under z/OS | UNIX | Windows | z/VSE.


Allows the user to take actions - for example purge a unit of work, stop a server, shut down a Broker - against EntireX Broker.

Running the Command-line Utility

In a z/OS environment, run the ETBCMD command-line utility like this:

// PARM=('ENVAR(''ETB_STUBLOG=0'')/ -bbrokerid ',
//       '-dBROKER -c... -xuid -ypwd')
//STEPLIB  DD   DISP=SHR,DSN=< EXB-load-lib >
//         DD   DISP=SHR,DSN=< EXX-load-lib >
//         DD   DISP=SHR,DSN=< WAL-load-lib >
//TRACE1   DD   SYSOUT=*                               stublog
//SYSOUT   DD   SYSOUT=*                               stderr
//SYSPRINT DD   SYSOUT=*                               stdout

The SVC number specified in the ADARUN parameter must match the SVC number used for the target Broker ID.

Command-line Parameters

The table below explains the command-line parameters. All entries in the Option column are case-sensitive.

Command-line Parameter Option Parameter Req/ Opt Explanation
brokerid -b e.g. ETB001 R Broker ID.
command -c













  • PING









  • STOP







R Command to be performed. See List of Commands and Objects below.
object type -d



  • PSF





R The object type to be operated on. See List of Commands and Objects below. Within EntireX Broker nomenclature, a participant is an application implicitly or explicitly logged on to the Broker as a specific user. A participant could act as client or server.
  -e errornumber O Error number being trapped.
  -E   O Exclude attach servers from service shutdown.
help -h   O Prints help information.
class/server/service -n class/server/service O Service triplet.
option -o


  • LEVELn, where n=1-8

O Command option.
puserid -p puserid O Physical User ID. For SERVER and PARTICIPANT objects only. This must be a hex value.
seqno -S sequence number O Sequence number of participant.
token -t token O Token. For PARTICIPANT object only.
uowid -u uowid O Unit of work ID. For PSF object only.
userid -U userid O User ID. For PARTICIPANT object only.
secuserid -x userid O User ID for security purposes.
transportid -X Transport ID O One of the following:
COM|NET|SSL|Snn|TCP|Tnn. See table below.
secpassword -y password O Password for security purposes.

Transport ID Values

This table explains the possible values for parameter transportid:

Transport ID Explanation
COM all communicators
NET NET transport communicator
SSL all SSL communicators
S00 SSL communicator 1
S01 SSL communicator 2
S02 SSL communicator 3
S03 SSL communicator 4
S04 SSL communicator 5
TCP all TCP/IP communicators
T00 TCP/IP communicator 1
T01 TCP/IP communicator 2
T02 TCP/IP communicator 3
T03 TCP/IP communicator 4
T04 TCP/IP communicator 5

Command-line Parameters from File

ETBCMD supports an alternative method of passing command-line parameters.

If the DDNAME CMDFILE is allocated, using

//CMDFILE  DD  DISP=SHR,DSN=pds(member)

and no command-line parameters are specified in the EXEC instruction, the content of the allocated member is evaluated. See sample member below (the apostrophes are included to show the record format (LRECL 80):

'-blocalhost:3930:TCP                                                            '
'-dBROKER                                                                        '

Make sure CMDFILE does not contain line numbers in columns 73-80. If line numbers are present, arguments are not passed correctly.

List of Commands and Objects

This table lists the available commands and the objects to which they can be applied.

Command Object









ALLOW-NEWUOWMSGS       x        
CLEAR-CMDLOG-FILTER x              
CONNECT-PSTORE       x        
DISABLE-ACCOUNTING x              
DISABLE-CMDLOG x              
DISCONNECT-PSTORE       x        
ENABLE-ACCOUNTING x              
ENABLE-CMDLOG-FILTER x              
ENABLE-CMDLOG x              
FORBID-NEWUOWMSGS       x        
PING x              
PRODUCE-STATISTICS x              
PURGE       x        
RESET-USER         x      
SET-CMDLOG-FILTER x              
SHUTDOWN x x x     x x  
START               x
STATUS               x
STOP               x
SWITCH-CMDLOG x              
TRACE-OFF x     x x      
TRACE-ON x     x x      


Example Description
etbcmd -b etb001 -h Displays ETBCMD help text.
etbcmd -b etb001 -d BROKER -c TRACE-OFF Turns Broker tracing off.
etbcmd -b etb001 -d BROKER -c TRACE-ON -o LEVEL2 Sets Broker trace level to 2.
etbcmd -b etb001 -d BROKER -c SHUTDOWN Performs Broker shutdown.
etbcmd -b etb001 -d SERVICE -c SHUTDOWN -o IMMED -n ACLASS/ASERVER/ASERVICE Shutdown service CLASS=ACLASS,SERVER=ASERVER,SERVICE=ASERVICE. See also SHUTDOWN SERVICE for more information on shutdown options.
  Create list of servers and shutdown specific server in two steps (first step uses ETBINFO). See also SHUTDOWN SERVER.
etbinfo -b etb001 -d SERVER -l FULL -f"%USER-ID %SEQNO" 1. Determine a list of all servers with sequence numbers.
etbcmd -b etb001 -d SERVER -c SHUTDOWN -o IMMED -S32 2. Shutdown server with sequence number 32.
etbcmd -b etb001 -d BROKER -c PING Performs an EntireX ping against the Broker.
etbcmd -b etb001 -d PSF -c DISCONNECT-PSTORE Disconnects the Broker PSTORE.
etbcmd -b etb001 -d PSF -c CONNECT-PSTORE Connects the Broker PSTORE.
etbcmd -b etb001 -d PSF -c PURGE -u 100000000U00001A Purges a unit of work.
etbcmd -b etb001 -d PSF -c ALLOW-NEWUOWMSGS Allows new units of work to be stored.
etbcmd -b etb001 -d PSF -c FORBID-NEWUOWMSGS Disallows new units of work to be stored.


For establishing an SSL connection on z/OS, IBM's Application Transparent Transport Layer Security (AT-TLS) can be used where the establishment of the SSL connection is pushed down the stack into the TCP layer.

Configure the AT-TLS rules for the policy agent (PAGENT) graphics/no4.gif using an appropriate client graphics/no1.gif and the z/OS Management Facility (z/OSMF) graphics/no2.gif. Together with SSL parameters (to provide certificates stored in z/OS as RACF keyrings) define AT-TLS rules, for example by using the application graphics/no5.gif job name and remote TCP port number. If the rules match, the TCP connection is turned into an SSL connection graphics/no6.gif. Refer to your IBM documentation for more information, for example the IBM Redbook Communications Server for z/OS VxRy TCP/IP Implementation Volume 4: Security and Policy-Based Networking.


graphics/no1.gif Client to interact with z/OS Management Facility (z/OSMF).
graphics/no2.gif AT-TLS rules are defined with z/OSMF policy management.
graphics/no3.gif Policy Repository with AT-TLS rules stored as z/OS files.
graphics/no4.gif Policy Agent, MVS task PAGENT, provides AT-TLS rules through a policy enforcement point (PEP) to TCP/IP stack.
graphics/no5.gif Application using TCP connection.
graphics/no6.gif If AT-TLS rules match, the TCP connection is turned into an SSL connection.


  1. The client graphics/no1.gif may vary per operating system, for example a Web browser for z/OS 2.1.
  2. z/OSMF graphics/no2.gif includes other administration and management tasks in addition to policy management.
  3. Policy Management graphics/no3.gif includes other rules, such as IP filtering, network address translation etc.

Start of instruction setTo set up SSL with AT-TLS

  1. To operate with SSL, certificates need to be provided and maintained. Depending on the platform, Software AG provides default certificates, but we strongly recommend that you create your own. See SSL/TLS Sample Certificates Delivered with EntireX in the EntireX Security documentation.

  2. Set up the tool for a TCP/IP connection. On mainframe platforms, use Transport-method-style Broker ID. Example:

  3. Configure AT-TLS to turn the TCP/IP connection to an SSL connection, see above.

  4. Make sure the broker is prepared for SSL connections as well. See Running Broker with SSL/TLS Transport under z/OS | UNIX | Windows | z/VSE.