Designing and Implementing Business Process Models : Configuring the VCS Integration Feature : Configuring the VCS Integration Feature : Configuring Access to the VCS Repository : Mapping Multiple Integration Server Users to One VCS User
Mapping Multiple Integration Server Users to One VCS User
Only map multiple Integration Server users to one VCS user if this behavior is required in your environment. Depending on your VCS, mapping multiple Integration Server users to a single VCS user might result in errors or unpredictable results. In addition, you might have difficulty tracing a VCS action back to a particular Integration Server user.
To map multiple Integration Server users to one VCS user
1. In the Integration Server Administrator, go to the Solutions > VCS > User Mapping > Create New User Mapping page.
2. In the Integration Server User Name field, type the Integration Server user names, one on each line.
3. In the VCS User Name, VCS Password, and Confirm VCS Password fields, type the VCS user name and password. All user credentials are case-sensitive.
If you specify an invalid VCS user name and password, when commands are sent to the VCS client, the client will stop responding while awaiting the correct user name and password. As a result, Designer will also stop responding. Integration Server Administrator does not validate, create, or modify VCS users.
4. Click Save Changes.
The VCS Integration feature encrypts the VCS passwords and stores the VCS user names and encrypted passwords on Integration Server.
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