OMT Functional model
With the help of data flow diagrams, the OMT Functional model shows how to derive output data from input data during a calculation.
Representation of data stores
Data stores are used for passive data storage. In ARIS, they are represented by a symbol showing two horizontal lines.
Representation of processes
Processes transform data and are represented in ARIS as yellow ellipses.
Representation of actors
An actor is an object that activates the data flow by creating or consuming data values. Thus, actors can be understood as the sources and sinks of the graph and are represented by a square.
Representation of data flows
Data flows connect the input of a process or object with the input of another. They are modeled as objects of the Data value type between objects and are generally labeled with a description of the data.
Data flow splitting
If a data value is to be sent to different locations, the data flows can be split. ARIS uses its own symbols ('Connection') to represent such splits.
Example of an OMT Functional model
The following figure illustrates a typical example of an OMT Functional model.