Designing and Implementing Business Process Models : Modeling BPMN 1.x in ARIS : Semantic Checks : Gateways
Attribute Rules Gateways
The attribute instantiate at gateways and tasks may only be set to TRUE if the element is the first element in a process, or if the element is the second element in a process and the first element is a start event.
Structure Rules Gateways (Splits and Joins)
An AND join must have at least 2 incoming and 1 outgoing sequence flow connection
An AND split must have at least 1 incoming and 2 outgoing sequence flow connections
Splits and joins are the same ARIS objects. (2 or more incoming connections, == join, 2 or more outgoing connections == split)
An event based gateway which acts as a split MUST lead to >1 events (of type message, timer, rule or link)
OR towards >1 Task that are of the type receive
OR to a combination of (one or more) tasks (of type receive) and events (those events MUST not be message events if a receive task is part of the destination objects)
(set of target objects MUST not contain message events AND receive tasks, valid event types are message, timer, rule and link.)
For all outgoing connections of an data based XOR Split gateway the attribute Condition must be maintained, only one of those connections may have the Condition set to Default, the others MUST have an expression condition.
All outgoing sequence flow connections of an event based gateway MUST HAVE their Condition unmaintained (==NONE condition)
Each event based gateway must have a minimum of two outgoing sequence flow connections.
If a Complex Gateway has multiple incoming sequence flow connection the attribute IncomingCondition must be maintained.
If a Complex Gateway has multiple outgoing sequence flow connections the attribute OutgoingCondition must be maintained.
If a gateway has only one outgoing sequence flow connection (JOIN) the attribute Condition must be unmaintained at all incoming and outgoing sequence flows AND it MUST have multiple incoming sequence flows
All outgoing sequence flow connection of an parallel gateway (AND-split) must have their condition attribute unmaintained
Property Modeling
Each Property MUST be part of a pool or a Sub Process (there MUST BE exactly one has connection" from a Pool or Sub Process towards the property)
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