Designing and Implementing Business Process Models : Modeling BPMN 1.x in ARIS : Introduction : Artifacts : Common Artefact Attributes
Common Artefact Attributes
The following table displays the identified attributes common to Artifacts, and which extends the set of common graphical object attributes.
ARIS Attribute Name (en) API_NAME (Attr. Number)
Other Semantic equivalent in ARIS
ArtifactType (DataObject |
Group | Annotation) DataObject : String
The artefact type is specified by the ARIS symbol number of the placed artefact.
SymboltypNum: ST_BPMN_ARTIFACT (955)
SymbolNum: ST_BPMN_GROUPING (1216)
Pool (0-1) : Pool
If the artefact has a belongs to connection towards a pool or a lane which is part of a pool:
The target of the belongs to connection from the current flow object towards a pool or lane specifies the pool of this artefact.
If the artefact has no explicit belongs to connection (only possible reason would be that the artefact is placed inside an invisible pool):
The pool of an object is defined as the Pool object which is the assignment parent of the current BPD. So to resolve the pool that contains this flow object a flow engine would need to find the Pool object which has an assignment to the current BPD.
Lanes (0-n) : Lane
The lanes of artefacts are defined as the lanes
which can be reached directly via a belongs to connection
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