Designing and Implementing Business Process Models : Modeling BPMN 1.x in ARIS : Introduction : Gateways : Exclusive Gateways (XOR) : Event-Based
The following table displays the attributes for an Event-Based Exclusive Gateway. These attributes only apply if the GatewayType attribute is set to XOR. The following attributes extend the set of common Gateway attributes.
ARIS Attribute Name (en) API_NAME (Attr. Number)
Other Semantic equivalent in ARIS
XORType (Data | Event) Event : String
The BPMN Attributes Gateway Type and XORType are combined into the ARIS GatewayType Attribute (Data-based or Event-based value description)
Gates (2-n) : Gate
Usually BPMN gates are not modeled explicitly in ARIS. The semantic of BPMN gates (expression / default flow) is usually maintained at the ARIS connections which represent the BPMN SequenceFlow.
OutgoingSequenceFlow : SequenceFlow
This Sequence flow is represented by an outgoing sequence flow connection from the gateway towards an EVENT. The sequence flow connection must have the ARIS Attribute Condition AT_BPMN_SEQ_FLOW_CONDITION (2174) set to None. None is represented by an unmaintained ARIS Attribute)
Assigments (0-n) : Assignment
The modeling technique for gate assignments is described above (see the explanation of assignments for non-default gates that are part of a data-based exclusive gateway)
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