Designing and Implementing Business Process Models : Modeling BPMN 1.x in ARIS : Introduction : Gateways : Exclusive Gateways (XOR) : Data-Based
The following table displays the attributes for a Data-Based Exclusive Gateway. These attributes only apply if the GatewayType attribute is set to XOR. The following attributes extend the set of common Gateway attributes.
ARIS Attribute Name (en) API_NAME (Attr. Number)
Other Semantic equivalent in ARIS
XORType (Data | Event) Data : String
The BPMN Attributes Gateway Type and XOR Type are combined into the ARIS GatewayType Attribute (Data-based or Event-based value description)
MarkerVisible False : Boolean
This attribute maps to the fact if the attribute GatewayType is a placed attribute in ARIS
Gates (0-n) : Gate
Usually BPMN gates are not modeled explicitly in ARIS. The semantic of BPMN gates (expression / default flow) is usually maintained at the ARIS connections which represent the BPMN Sequence Flow.
OutgoingSequenceFlow : SequenceFlow
This Sequence flow is represented by an outgoing sequence flow connection which has
The ARIS Attribute Condition AT_BPMN_SEQ_FLOW_CONDITION (2174) set to Expression.
Assigments (0-n) : Assignment
The following modeling technique enables a user to model property assignments for individual gates:
Create an ARIS assignment relationship from the Sequence Flow connection which represents the gate towards a separate BPMN Allocation Diagram.
Place a Gate Object inside this Allocation Diagram
Create an assigns connection from the gate object towards the property which should be the target of the assignment.
Maintain the connection attributes from and assign time at the connection from the gate object towards the property.
Further information about property assignment can be found in chapter Property Assignment Modeling in ARIS
DefaultGate (0-1) : Gate
The default gate is represented by a sequence flow which has its Condition attribute set to Default
OutgoingSequenceFlow : SequenceFlow
This Sequence flow is represented by an outgoing sequence flow connection which has the ARIS Attribute Condition AT_BPMN_SEQ_FLOW_CONDITION (2174) set to Default).
Assigments (0-n) : Assignment
The modeling technique for gate assignments is described above (see the explanation of assignments for non-default gates that are part of a data-based exclusive gateway).
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