Designing and Implementing Business Process Models : Modeling BPMN 1.x in ARIS : Introduction : Activities : Task : User Task Attributes
User Task Attributes
The following table displays the set of attributes of a User Task (where the Task Type attribute is set to User), which extends the set of Task attributes.
ARIS Attribute Name (en) API_NAME (Attr. Number)
Other Semantic equivalent in ARIS
Performers (1-n) : String
Performers are modeled inside an assigned BPMN allocation Diagram.
The performers of an user task are specified with one or multiple executes connections towards the human resource (or another ARIS object that represents a person or a job-role) that performs the task.
InMessage : Message
In Message specifies the message that is send towards a Web Service at the beginning of the task. This semantic is modeled with an outgoing sends connection from the task towards a message (and from there on towards the pool / task that is the receiver of this message).
OutMessage : Message
Out Message specifies the message that is received from a Web Service at the end of the task. This semantic is modeled with an incoming is received by connection from the message towards a message (and from there on towards the sender of the message).
Implementation (Web Service | Other | Unspecified) Web Service
: String
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