Designing and Implementing Business Process Models : Modeling BPMN 1.x in ARIS : Introduction : Activities : Common Activity Attributes
Common Activity Attributes
Standard Loop Attributes
Multi-Instance Loop Attributes
The following table displays the set of attributes common to both a Sub-Process and a Task, and which extends the set of common Flow Object attributes.
ARIS Attribute Name (en) API_NAME (Attr. Number)
Other Semantic equivalent in ARIS Description
ActivityType (Task | Sub- Process) Task : String
The Activity Type is defined via the ARIS Symbol Type Number that is being used for the Activity.
Type Number 335
Sub-Process: (Collapsed)
Type Number 1213
Sub Process: (expanded)
Type Number 1214
Status (None | Ready | Active | Cancelled | Aborting | Aborted | Completing | Completed) None : String
The Status of the Activity is only relevant during the process execution and is therefore not maintained in ARIS
Properties (0-n) : Property
The properties of activities are modeled the same way as for processes and messages. Further information can be found in chapterProperty Modeling in ARIS (Page )
InputSets (0-n) : Input
The modeling of InputSets, OutputSets and IORules is described in the Chapter Input Sets, Output Sets and IORules in ARIS.
[Input: for InputSets only]
Inputs (1-n) : Artifact
The modeling of InputSets, OutputSets and IORules is described in the Chapter Input Sets, Output Sets and IORules in ARIS.
The modeling of InputSets, OutputSets and IORules is described in the Chapter Input Sets, Output Sets and IORules in ARIS.
[Output: for OutputSets only]
Outputs (1-n) : Artifact
The modeling of InputSets, OutputSets and IORules is described in the Chapter Input Sets, Output Sets and IORules in ARIS.
IORules (0-n) : Expression
The modeling of InputSets, OutputSets and IORules is described in the Chapter Input Sets, Output Sets and IORules in ARIS.
StartQuantity 1 : Integer
Start quantity
LoopType (None | Standard | MultiInstance) None : String
Loop type
The loop type attribute has visual representations (display the attribute as an icon)
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