Attributes | ARIS Attribute Name (en) API_NAME (Attr. Number) | Other Semantic equivalent in ARIS Description |
ActivityType (Task | Sub- Process) Task : String | The Activity Type is defined via the ARIS Symbol Type Number that is being used for the Activity. Task: Type Number 335 API: ST_FUNC Sub-Process: (Collapsed) Type Number 1213 API: ST_BPMN_SUB_PROC_COLLAPSED Sub Process: (expanded) Type Number 1214 API: ST_BPMN_SUB_PROC_EXPANDED | |
Status (None | Ready | Active | Cancelled | Aborting | Aborted | Completing | Completed) None : String | The Status of the Activity is only relevant during the process execution and is therefore not maintained in ARIS | |
Properties (0-n) : Property | The properties of activities are modeled the same way as for processes and messages. Further information can be found in chapterProperty Modeling in ARIS (Page ) | |
InputSets (0-n) : Input | The modeling of InputSets, OutputSets and IORules is described in the Chapter Input Sets, Output Sets and IORules in ARIS. | |
[Input: for InputSets only] Inputs (1-n) : Artifact | The modeling of InputSets, OutputSets and IORules is described in the Chapter Input Sets, Output Sets and IORules in ARIS. | |
The modeling of InputSets, OutputSets and IORules is described in the Chapter Input Sets, Output Sets and IORules in ARIS. | ||
[Output: for OutputSets only] Outputs (1-n) : Artifact | The modeling of InputSets, OutputSets and IORules is described in the Chapter Input Sets, Output Sets and IORules in ARIS. | |
IORules (0-n) : Expression | The modeling of InputSets, OutputSets and IORules is described in the Chapter Input Sets, Output Sets and IORules in ARIS. | |
StartQuantity 1 : Integer | Start quantity AT_BPMN_START_QUANT (3411) | |
LoopType (None | Standard | MultiInstance) None : String | Loop type AT_BPMN_LOOP_TYPE (2163) | The loop type attribute has visual representations (display the attribute as an icon) |