Designing and Implementing Business Process Models : Modeling BPMN 1.x in ARIS : Introduction : Process Attributes
Process Attributes
Inside ARIS, the BPMN Construct Process is mapped to the concrete ARIS object Pool.
An ARIS pool object is therefore a combination of the BPMN Objects Process, Pool and Participant.
This construct is valid because a pool can have exactly one process and each process MUST HAVE a pool.
The BPMN process attributes which are mapped 1:1 to ARIS attributes are maintained at the pool object which contains the process.
ARIS Attribute Name (en) API_NAME (Attr. Number)
Other Semantic equivalent in ARIS
Id : Object
ARIS Global Unique Identifier (GUID) for the Pool which contains the process.
Name : String
Process Name
ProcessType (None | Private | Abstract | Collaboration) None : String
Process Type AT_BPMN_POOL_TYPE (2220)
Status (None | Ready | Active | Cancelled | Aborting | Aborted | Completing | Completed) None : String
This Attribute is not relevant at the design time, it is only relevant while the process is executed by an engine and is therefore not maintainable in ARIS
GraphicalElements (0-n) : Object
The graphical Elements are placed inside the BPD diagram which contains this process (P1). Because a BPD can display more than one process the following mapping is essential:
1) If the process is part of a pool that has visible borders:
Each element which is directly or indirectly connected to the pool (that contains the process) via belongs to connections (embedded or explicit, directly or via lanes of the pool) is part of the process
2) If the process is part of a Pool which has invisible borders:
All objects which are placed inside the BPD and are not part of other processes (as stated under 1) are part of this process.
Assignments (0-n) : Assignment
Assignments are modeled inside the BPMN Allocation diagram which is assigned to the defining Flow Object. A detailed explanation of Assignment modeling in ARIS can be found in the Section Property Assignment Modeling in ARIS.
Properties (0-n) : Property
Process properties are modeled as properties which are connected towards the pool object that contains the process with a has connection. This connection has to be modeled inside an assigned BPMN allocation diagram.
Further information about property modeling can be found in chapter Property Modeling in ARIS.
AdHoc False : Boolean
Ad Hoc
[AdHoc = True only]
AdHocOrdering (0-1) (Sequential | Parallel) Parallel : String
Ad Hoc Ordering
[AdHoc = True only]
(0-1) : Expression
Ad Hoc Completion Condition
SuppressJoinFailure False : Boolean
Suppress Join Failure
False : Boolean
Enable Instance Compensation
Categories (0-n) : String
Categories are represented as ARIS BPMN Category Objects. The category object is connected with all objects that are a member of a category. Those belongs to connections can be modeled inside one or many BPMN Allocation diagrams (which should be assigned to the object for which the categories are specified). If a modeller wants to use multiple diagrams to model members of the same category he SHALL USE an occurrence copy of the category object.
Documentation (0-1) : String
Description / Definition
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