Cloud Application Integration (On-Premises) : Administering CloudStreams : CloudStreams Configuration Options : The Administration Options : Setting the General Options
Setting the General Options
Use these options to manage the inbound service requests sent by consumers to CloudStreams. To manage the outbound requests that CloudStreams sends to the cloud provider, set the options for your cloud connections in your webMethods CloudStreams cloud connector. For details, see the section Creating Cloud Connections in the documentation for your webMethods CloudStreams cloud connector.
To set the CloudStreams > Administration > General options
1. In Integration Server Administrator, select Solutions > CloudStreams > Administration > General.
2. Click Edit, complete the following fields and click Save.
Target Name
The CloudStreams target name. This name is included in the events that are sent to the database for metrics reporting purposes.
Load Balancer URL (HTTP)
The primary HTTP load balancer URL and port number to use.
For the URL, you can specify either the IP address or host name of the load balancer with the port number, as follows:
If specified, all virtual services hosted in CloudStreams will use this value.
Load Balancer URL (HTTPS)
The primary HTTPS load balancer URL and port number to use.
For the URL, you can specify either the IP address or host name of the load balancer with the port number, as follows:
If specified, all virtual services hosted in CloudStreams (and exposed on HTTPS) will use this value.
IS Keystore Name
The Integration Server keystore that CloudStreams should use. This field lists all available Integration Server keystores. If there are no configured Integration Server keystores, the list will be empty. To configure Integration Server keystores, see the section Securing Communications with the Server in the document webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide.
Alias (signing)
The signing alias. This alias is the value that is used to sign the outgoing response from CloudStreams to the original consumer. It is auto-populated based on the keystore selected from the IS Keystore Name above. This field will list all the aliases available in the chosen keystore. If there are no configured keystores, this field will be empty.
IS Truststore Name
Specify the same truststore that is specified in Integration Server (as described in the section Securing Communications with the Server in the document webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide).
This truststore will be used in the following cases:
*If you select the Secure Connection option for a CloudStreams server as described in Defining and Managing a CloudStreams Server Target. The truststore you specify in the IS Truststore Name field must contain the required SSL certificates.
*This truststore is also used by the CloudStreams SMTP e-mail server if you select the TLS Enabled option while Setting the E-mail Options for Logging Payloads and Sending Performance Monitoring Alerts. The truststore you specify in the IS Truststore Name field must include a certificate in the e-mail server's certificate chain or the certificate authority of the e-mail server.
*This truststore is also used when making a connection to a third-party OAuth 2.0-based service provider to refresh the access token (as described in Setting the OAuth Tokens Options).
HTTP Ports Configuration
Select one or more HTTP ports on which CloudStreams and the deployed virtual services will be available.
CloudStreams is always available on the primary HTTP port. The primary HTTP port is the port specified on the Integration Server's Security > Ports page. You can specify additional HTTP and HTTPS ports here. To configure ports for Integration Server, see webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide.
If you specify multiple ports, the port that is reported in the WSDL is the non-primary port with the lowest number. There is only one port reported in the WSDL retrieved through CloudStreams, but all the specified ports are usable. If you are using a webMethods Enterprise Gateway (EG) Registration port to process requests from external clients, the EG port will be displayed with the EG hostname prefixed to the port, in order to distinguish it from the local internal server ports. The Enterprise Gateway Registration port must be specified for CloudStreams.
HTTPS Ports Configuration
Select one or more HTTPS ports on which CloudStreams and the deployed virtual services will be available.
Connection Factory Wire Logging
This option captures additional debug messages that show the request's HTTP content that is sent over the wire to the native provider. The messages also show the response content that was received. This can be useful when debugging connector service invocations, but there are two implications you should be aware of:
*The server.log will grow quickly as it captures this verbose content, and performance will be severely impacted. Use this option sparingly.
*Because all "cleartext" HTTP content is captured (even the content sent over SSL), be careful to avoid security issues. In addition to all request and response message content, the transport headers are also included, including Authorization headers.
Enabling wire logging will reveal sensitive data, for example, user credentials and authorization headers in the logs. It is recommended to filter out or mask the sensitive data before sharing the logs.
If you disable and then re-enable the Connection Factory Wire Logging option, in certain cases it may be necessary to disable and then re-enable any existing managed connection pools. To do this, in the Integration Server Administrator go to Solutions > CloudStreams > Providers, click your cloud provider's name, click the connector name, and click the Enabled column to disable/re-enable the connection pool.
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