Building Mobile Enterprise Applications : Using webMethods Mobile Designer : Configuring Mobile Designer : Mobile Designer Configuration Properties ( : KZip Property
KZip Property
You can configure Mobile Designer to use KZip for JAR compression. When KZip is not available, Mobile Designer uses 7Zip as the default JAR packager if 7Zip is configured. If 7Zip is not configured, Mobile Designer will fall back to using 'jar'.
You can download the Windows version of KZip from Ken Silverman’s Utility Page. You can download the Linux and Mac OS X version from JonoF’s Games and Stuff.
Specifies the location of the KZip executable.
Path to the installed KZip executable.
C:/Program Files/KZip/kzip.exe
j2me.packager.kzip=D:/Program Files/KZip/kzip.exe
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