Building Mobile Enterprise Applications : Mobile Task Integration User’s Guide : Working with Mobile Task Integration Projects : Creating a New Mobile Task Application Project : Automatically Uploading a Mobile Task Application to Mobile Administrator
Automatically Uploading a Mobile Task Application to Mobile Administrator
Use this procedure to have Designer automatically upload your application to Mobile Administrator where it can be made available to users through an app store.
To use the procedure, you must have previously entered Mobile Administrator information on the Mobile Administrator wizard page when you created your new Mobile Task Integration project.
If you did not enter this information, you must manually upload the application to Mobile Administrator. See Manually Uploading a Mobile Task Application to Mobile Administrator .
To automatically upload a task application to Mobile Administrator
1. In the Java perspective, in the Package Explorer view, locate the mobile application project you want to upload to Mobile Administrator.
2. Scroll down to build.xml, and double click it and go to the Ant or Outline view.
If you are not running behind a network proxy configuration, select Remote Multi-Build, select a platform in the target name field, then click Remote Multi-Build.
If you are running behind a network proxy configuration:
a. Select Remote-Multi-Build > Run As > External Tool Configurations.
b. In the opened window, click the JRE tab.
c. In VM arguments, type the host and port of your proxy server with the following arguments, separated by spaces:
HTTP proxy host address
HTTP proxy port
HTTPS proxy host address (if present)
HTTPS proxy port (if present)
For example:
– –Dhttp.proxyPort=3008
d. Click Run.
3. Go to Mobile Administrator and click Build > Build Jobs to verify that there is a build listed there for your project. When the build has been successfully processed, it will have the status Success.
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