Building Mobile Enterprise Applications : Understanding Software AG Products : Agile Process : Business Process Model Implementation Details : Creating Documents, Services, Tasks, and Rules
Creating Documents, Services, Tasks, and Rules
Some Software AG products provide data to processes in the form of documents. Each document is associated with a document type, a schema-like definition that describes the document's structure. For example, a document type named PurchaseOrder might describe the structure of data in a purchase order document.
In Software AG Designer, you can identify existing document types, services, tasks, and rules, or you can create the document types, services, tasks, and rules required by a business process, as follows:
*Browse Integration Servers for existing document types and services, and drag and drop them onto the design canvas.
*Browse CentraSite for document types, services, tasks, rules, and business processes, and reference these assets from process steps.
*Import supported electronic form (e-form) templates from a file system folder, a web server, a My webMethods Server configured as a JSR-170 content repository, or a Content Service Platform repository. Software AG Designer converts the imported templates into Integration Server document types.
*Use the Software AG Designer Service Development perspective to develop Flow services and create document types for service inputs and outputs.
*Use the Software AG Designer UI Development perspective to develop tasks (see Developing Tasks Within a Process, below).
*Use the Software AG Designer Rules Development perspective to develop rules.
*If you are working in a collaborative design environment, publish assets you develop in Software AG Designer to CentraSite.
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