Building Mobile Enterprise Applications : Using webMethods Mobile Designer : Building Mobile Applications : Building a Project for Multiple Target Devices
Building a Project for Multiple Target Devices
To build your mobile application project, you typically use the +Multi-Build Ant target. The +Multi-Build Ant target allows you to build your project for multiple device/language combinations.
For information about the actions that Mobile Designer performs to build your project, see Build Process Overview.
Before you build your project, be sure you have completed the required setup. See Before You Can Build a Mobile Application Project.
To build a project for multiple targets
1. In Software AG Designer, open the project you want to build.
2. Click the Project Explorer view, expand the project, and drag the build.xml file to the Ant view.
If the Ant view is not open, for instruction, see Displaying the Ant View.
3. In the Ant view, double-click +Multi-Build to launch the Multi Build dialog.
If you created a custom JPanel for the project, Mobile Designer includes the JPanel on the right side of the Multi Dialog. For more information, see Setting Properties at Build Time Using a Custom JPanel.
4. In the Multi Build dialog, select the device/language combinations for which you want to build the project.
5. In the Version field type the version number for the build.
6. Select or clear the Retain output build files check box.
*Select the check box to retain the files from the build.
Mobile Designer retains the cross-compiled code it generated from your original Java code, along with any project (for example, Xcode project for iOS) it might have generated.
Choose to retain the files if you need to create a patch for your project, if you want to save the output for subsequent testing, or if you want to use native platform tools to compile to create the final binary for your project.
*Clear the check box if you do not need the files from the build.
7. Click Multi Build.
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