Building Mobile Enterprise Applications : webMethods Mobile Administrator User's Guide : Configuring Mobile Administrator : Adding Code Signing Certificates for iOS : Generating and Uploading an iOS Distribution Certificate
Generating and Uploading an iOS Distribution Certificate
The following steps are required to obtain and upload an iOS distribution certificate:
1. Download a certificate signing request from Mobile Administrator.
2. Go to the iOS Provisioning Portal and request an iOS distribution certificate using the certificate signing request.
3. Download the generated iOS distribution certificate.
4. Upload the downloaded iOS distribution certificate to Mobile Administrator.
With Mobile Administrator, you can trigger these steps from a single page as described below.
To generate and upload an iOS distribution certificate
1. Click and then Developer Certificates.
2. On the All Certificates page, click and then New iOS Distribution Certificate.
3. Click Certificate Signing Request to download the certificate signing request.
4. Click the link for the iOS Provisioning Portal, sign in with your Apple ID, generate an iOS distribution certificate using your certificate signing request, and then download the generated iOS distribution certificate.
5. Click Browse and select the iOS distribution certificate that you have downloaded.
6. Click Upload Certificate.
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