Building Mobile Enterprise Applications : webMethods Mobile Administrator User's Guide : Managing Users : Overview of Site-Level Permissions
Overview of Site-Level Permissions
The site-level permissions are granted to users. They can be granted to both, users that have manually been added and users from an LDAP.
To grant site-level permissions to other users, you need the site-level permission Manage Admin Permissions.
The following site-level permissions exist:
Add Apps
May add new applications (the creating user is granted all app specific rights for the newly created app).
Manage Apps
May manage applications; this includes all app specific permissions for all apps.
Manage Policies
May create and remove device policies.
Assign Policies
May assign existing device policies to devices.
Manage Users and Groups
May manage local users and user groups on this site.
Manage Admin Permissions
May assign site admin permissions to users (from this list of permissions).
Manage Site
May edit site information, such as domain names, certificates and licenses.
Manage All Sites
May manage all sites on this instance.
You can also grant application-level permissions to a user. To do so, you must go to the app and modify the permissions there. See Overview of Application-Level Permissions.
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