Building Mobile Enterprise Applications : webMethods Mobile Designer Native User Interface Reference : Native User Interface (NativeUI) Objects : nUITextfieldElement
Use to display plain text in a label or for a block of text.
Usage Notes
*The following are platform-specific considerations:
*By default, the HAlign attribute, which specifies the horizontal alignment of the text, is set to left.
*By default, the TextColor attribute, which specifies the text color, is set to white.
*For the ClipType attribute, Android devices support CLIP_TYPE_CLIP, which indicates that Android devices truncate the text if it is too long to display.
*By default, the HAlign attribute, which specifies the horizontal alignment of the text, is set to center.
*By default, the TextColor attribute, which specifies the text color, is set to black.
*For the ClipType attribute, iOS devices support CLIP_TYPE_ELLIPSIS, which indicates that iOS devices truncate the text that is too long to display and add an ellipsis to indicate the text has been truncated.
Windows Phone
*By default, the HAlign attribute, which specifies the horizontal alignment of the text, is set to left.
*By default, the TextColor attribute, which specifies the text color, is set to black when using a light theme and is set to white when using a dark theme. For more information, see Theme Resources for Windows Phone.
*For the ClipType attribute, Windows Phones support the following:
*CLIP_TYPE_CLIP, which indicates that Windows Phones truncate the text if it is too long to display. This is the default.
*CLIP_TYPE_ELLIPSIS, which indicates that Windows Phones truncate the text that is too long to display and add an ellipsis to indicate the text has been truncated.
This code sample displays plain text. Illustrations of how the example code is rendered on various platforms follows the code sample.
view.add(new nUITextfieldElement(NUIID_MY_TEXTFIELD, "nUITextfieldElement"));
Platform-Specific Class and Illustration
iOS 7
iOS 6
Windows Phone
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