Building Mobile Enterprise Applications : webMethods Mobile Development Help : Introduction to Mobile Development : Other Resources for Mobile Development
Other Resources for Mobile Development
In addition to the information contained in this Mobile Development help, you can also find information about working with mobile applications in the following locations:
*Using webMethods Mobile Designer. This publication describes how to:
*Set up your environment for various mobile platforms (for example, Android, iOS, and Windows Phone) so that you can develop mobile applications for a platform.
*Code resource handlers and mobile applications.
*Build mobile applications.
*Install applications on various platforms.
*webMethods Mobile Designer Native User Interface Reference. This publication provides general information about how to build the user interface for a mobile application. Additionally, it provides details about the Mobile Designer native user interface that you can use to create user interfaces for mobile applications. The native user interface objects described in this publications correlate to the user interface elements you can add to a mobile application using the Outline Editor in the Mobile Development perspective.
*webMethods Mobile Designer Java API Reference. This publication describes the Java classes that Mobile Designer provides and that you can use when coding mobile applications.
*webMethods Mobile Administrator User’s Guide. This publication describes how to configure and use webMethods Mobile Administrator and its build environment for mobile applications. It explains how to set up an app store from which your end users (for example, employees or customers) can download onto their mobile devices the apps that you have developed yourself or apps from other vendor stores that you have made available for download in your own app store.
*webMethods Mobile Administrator API Reference. This reference provides information about how you can access webMethods Mobile Administrator through the REST API.
You can download these files from the Software AG Documentation website.
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