Application Integration (On-Premises) : Incorporating web applications : webMethods Tag Library for JSP : <webm:value>
You use the <webm:value> tag to insert the values of one or more variables from the Integration Server pipeline into the HTML page produced from the JSP. You can also use the tag within a loop to insert the value of the loop’s current key. To do so, specify the tag without any arguments (that is, <webm:value/>).
Separate nested fields with a forward slash (/).
<webm:value [variable="variable[/subvariable1/subvariable2/...
/subvariablen]"] [null="any_string"] [empty="any_string"] [index="n"]
[encode="code"] [decode="code"] [decimalShift="X"] [decimalShow="Y"]/>
[variable="variable [/subvariable1/ subvariable2/... /subvariable3]"]
Pipeline variable whose value to insert. Integration Server retrieves variable from the current scope. If you do not specify variable and you are inside a loop, Integration Server returns the value of the current key.
To select a variable outside the current scope, use this syntax:
To do this...
Use this syntax...
Insert the value of variable from the initial scope
Insert the value of variable from the parent of the current scope
Insert the value of subvariablen from variable

variable/subvariable1/ subvariable2/.../ subvariable3
If you do not specify variablen, Integration Server assumes the current element within the current scope.
When variablen is null, inserts any_string.
<webm:value variable="carrier"
null="No Carrier Assigned"/>
When variablen contains an empty string, inserts any_string.
<webm:value variable="description"
empty="Description Not Found"/>
Inserts the nth element of the Document List or String List specified by variable.
<webm:value variable="backItems" index="1"/>
Encodes the contents of variable before inserting it, where code specifies the encoding system to apply, as follows:
To encode the value using...
Set code to...
XML encoding
Base-64 encoding
URL encoding
Decodes the contents of variable before inserting it, where code specifies the decoding system to apply, as follows:
To encode the value using...
Set code to...
Base-64 encoding
URL encoding
Shifts the decimal point in the value of variable to the right X positions before inserting the value. For decimal values only.
Truncates the value of variable to Y positions after the decimal before inserting the value. For decimal values only.
*This code calls the orders:getOrderInfo service and inserts the results of the service into the HTML page produced from the JSP.
<webm:invoke serviceName="orders:getOrderInfo"><br>
<p><webm:value variable="buyerInfo/companyName"/><br>
<webm:value variable="buyerInfo/acctNum"/>
<p>This shipment contains the following items</p>
<table width="90%" border="1">
<webm:loop variable="items">
<td><webm:value variable="stockNum"/></td>
<td><webm:value variable="qty"/></td>
<td><webm:value variable="description"/></td>
<td><webm:value variable="status"/></td>
*This code loops over the pipeline and inserts the names and values of the keys in the pipeline into the HTML page.
<webm:loop loopStruct="true">
<webm:value variable="$key"/><br>
*This code inserts the contents of the variable carrier into the HTML page. If carrier is null or empty, the code inserts the string “UPS”.
<webm:value variable="carrier" null="UPS" empty="UPS"/>
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