Application Integration (On-Premises) : Administering the Software AG Infrastructure : Using Command Central to Manage Infrastructure : Run-time Monitoring States for OSGI Profile Components
Run-time Monitoring States for OSGI Profile Components
In response to the sagcc get monitoring runtimestate and sagcc get monitoring state commands, the OSGI profile run-time components provide information about the key performance indicators (KPIs) in the following table.
JVM memory usage
Use this KPI to monitor the JVM memory usage of the run-time component so that you can take corrective actions if storage use approaches a critical value.
The KPI uses the following marginal, critical, and maximum values:
*Marginal is calculated using the following:
MAX(Maximum*80%, Maximum-100)
This means a marginal value is when there is only 20% free JVM memory available or less than 100MB of JVM memory is available.
*Critical is calculated using the following:
MAX(Maximum*95%, Maximum-50)
This means a critical value is when there is only 5% free JVM memory available or less than 50MB of JVM memory left.
*Maximum amount of memory that is allocated memory for the JVM.
This KPI value might be incorrect when running in a 32-bit operating systems.
Number of JVM threads
Use this KPI to monitor number of JVM threads that the E run-time component is using so that you can take corrective actions if the number of used threads approaches a critical value.
The KPI uses the following marginal, critical, and maximum values:
*Marginal is 80% of the allocated JVM threads.
*Critical is 95% of the allocated JVM threads.
*Maximum is calculated using the following:
MAX(HWM(value), 500)
This means the initial maximum value is 500 threads. However, if the JVM has more than 500 threads, the greater number is used as the maximum.
JVM CPU load
Use this KPI to monitor how much CPU the JVM is using so that you can take corrective actions if the CPU usage approaches a critical value.
The KPI uses the following marginal, critical, and maximum values:
*Marginal is 80% of the CPU usage.
*Critical is 95% of the CPU usage.
*Maximum is 100% of the CPU usage.
This KPI is only supported when running on Java 7. It is not supported on Java 6.
This KPI is not reported when running on HP-UX.
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