API Management : Administering API Portal : Configuring API-Portal : User Registration in API-Portal with Social Login : Configuring Facebook Login
Configuring Facebook Login
To enable users to log in to the portal through Facebook, you must first create a Facebook app and then configure API-Portal to access Facebook account information to authenticate users.
If you do not already have a Facebook ID, you will need to create one. For complete information about Facebook login, see the documentation available on developers.facebook.com.
To use Facebook for user registration and log in
1. Log in to developers.facebook.com and create an app for API-Portal registration.
a. Go to: http://developers.facebook.com
b. Log in using your Facebook account credentials.
c. Go to Apps > Add a New App.
d. On the Add a New App page, click Website.
e. At the next screen, enter a name for your application and click Create New Facebook App ID.
f. Choose the category Apps For Pages.
g. Scroll down. In the Tell us about your website section, provide the URL of your website. The website URL should be an HTTPS URL and include the corresponding port.
h. Click Skip Quick Start. This will create your Facebook app and display the Dashboard for your app.
i. Go to the Settings page by clicking the Settings link in the left side navigation. Provide a valid contact email here. This is required to make your application public to all users.
j. Go to the Status & Review page by clicking the Status & Review link in the left side navigation.
k. Make your application public by toggling the button from No to Yes. If the application is not made public, only the developer and the test users of the application will be allowed to log in using the app.
l. Make note of the client key (App ID) and the App Secret, because you will need it in the next step.
2. Log in to UMC as Administrator, and configure the OAuth settings for the Facebook app, as described in OAuth Properties for Social Login.
3. If you have not already done so, choose the level of approval needed, as described in Registering Users in API-Portal .
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