Command Central Developer Reference : Using the Command Line Interface : Repository Commands : sagcc list repository discover
sagcc list repository discover
Finds product or fix repositories for the specified host, name, and port, but does not add the discovered repositories to Command Central.
*Command Central syntax:
sagcc list repository discover [host=host] [name=repo_name]             
[port=port] [options]
*Not supported by Platform Manager.
Arguments and Options
Argument or Option
Optional. The host name or IP address of the system hosting the repositories. If you do not specify a value, Command Central goes to the Empower website.
Optional. The name of the repository on the specified host machine. If you do not specify a value, Command Central lists all repositories on the host machine.
Optional. The port number of the specified host machine.
Optional. The command allows all options supported by the Command Line Interface. For a description of the options, see Common Options.
Example When Executing on Command Central
To find a product repository with name “SuiteProd” on a server with host name “sag”:
sagcc list repository discover host=sag name=SuiteProd
If you do not specify a value for CC_SERVER, the request is sent to the Command Central server on “localhost:8090”.
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