Command Central Developer Reference : Using the Command Line Interface : Repository Commands : sagcc add repository products
sagcc add repository products
Adds a product repository in Command Central.
*Command Central syntax:
*Using arguments for master repositories:
sagcc add repository products master name=repo_name 
[description="description"]  [options]
*Using arguments or input data file for image repositories:
sagcc add repository products name=repo_name type=image 
[--input | i | location=URL
[description="description"]   [options]  
sagcc add repository products image name=repo_name 
[--input | i | location=URL
[description="description"]  [options]
*Using arguments for mirror repositories:
sagcc add repository products mirror name=repo_name 
sourceRepos=repo_name1,repo_name2...repo_nameN [nodeAlias=node_alias
[platforms=OS_Id1,OS_Id2...OS_IdN] [description="description"
*Not supported by Platform Manager.
Arguments and Options
Argument or Option
Optional. Specifies the alias name of the Platform Manager to which you want to add the repository. If you do not include this parameter, the repository is added to the local Platform Manager node.
Required. The name of the product repository to add.
The name of a mirror repository should follow this format:
The label could be location, platform, or anything meaningful to identify the mirror repository. For example, webMethods-9.9_US_east_linux
Required. The product repository is of type image.
If the location URL starts with “file:///”, this parameter is optional.
Required in the arguments only command. A valid URL that points to the location where the repository is added. If location points to an installation image file, the image file must exist on the Command Central server. If the image file does not exist, the repository is not created.
Two repositories cannot point to the same location.
--input | -i
Required. Identifies an image archive file created with Software AG Installer or Software AG Update Manager. For more information about the --input | i option, see input.

sourceRepos=repo_name1, repo_name2...repo_nameN

Required in the arguments only command. A list of the source repositories to include in the new mirror repository.

[artifacts= productId1,productId2..., productIdN]
Optional. A list of the IDs of the products from the source repositories that you want to include in the mirror repository.
If you do not specify a list of product IDs or you omit this parameter, Command Central includes all products from the source repositories.

[platforms= OS_Id1,OS_Id2...OS_IdN]
Optional. A list of the IDs of the operating systems of the products included in the mirror repository.
If you do not specify a list of operating system IDs or you omit this parameter, Command Central uses the default platform of the Platform Manager to which the mirror repository is added.
Optional. A description for the repository.
Optional. The command allows all options supported by the Command Line Interface. For a description of the options, see Common Options.
Usage Notes
When listing specific product IDs in the artifacts argument, for example integrationServer, JDK is not added to the mirror repository, though JDK is required to install Integration Server from the mirror repository. You must add sjp in the list of product IDs in the artifacts argument, so that the command adds the JDK required for installing the listed products from the mirror repository.
Examples When Executing on Command Central
*To add a repository with name “test” at the “http://test/repo” location:
sagcc add repository products name=test location=http://test/repo
*To upload an image file named “” from the current directory to Command Central and create a repository with name “test” that points to that image:
sagcc add repository products name=test -i
*To create a mirror repository with name “webMethods-9.9_EUR_Local” on the local installation for all products available in the “webMethods-9.9_EUR” source repository that use the operating system of the local installation:
sagcc create repository products mirror name=webMethods-9.9_EUR_Local 
*To create a mirror repository with name “webMethods-9.9_US_lnxamd64_w64” on a remote installation with alias “repoNode1”, from two image repositories with different operating systems:
sagcc create repository products mirror name=webMethods-9.9_US_lnxamd64_w64 
nodeAlias=repoNode1 sourceRepos=webMethods-9.9_US_lnxamd64,
*To create a mirror repository with name “webMethods-9.9_US_wMcore” on a remote installation with alias “repoNode2”, for two platforms and four core products with all their dependencies:
sagcc create repository products mirror name=webMethods-9.9_US_wMcore 
nodeAlias=repoNode2 sourceRepos=webMethods-9.9_US 
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