Command Central Developer Reference : Using the Command Line Interface : Managing Database Components Using CLI Commands : Recreate Database Components
Recreate Database Components
Command Syntax
To recreate the database components for a product:
sagcc exec administration product local DatabaseComponentConfigurator 
database recreate db.type=db_type product=productID version=db_version 
db.username=db_username db.password=db_password db.url=db_url
To recreate the database components for the product with ID “IS” and version “”, on the SQL server at URL “jdbc:wm:sqlserver://DBserver:1433;databaseName=TESTDB”, and for the database user “webmuser” with password “webmpass”:
sagcc exec administration product local DatabaseComponentConfigurator 
database recreate db.type=sqlserver product=IS version= 
db.username=webmuser db.password=webmpass 
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