Automation and Template-based Provisioning : Using Composite Templates : Understanding the Composite Template Definition : Templates
You define inline templates in the templates section. The templates included in this section are identified by a unique template alias. In the templates section, you can include the following optional sections:
A list of IDs for the products that you want to install. You can list the product IDs using the sagcc list repository products content command or by selecting the Show ID Column check box when viewing the contents of a product repository in the web user interface.
A list of IDs for the fixes that you want to install. You can list the fix IDs using the sagcc list repository fixes content or by selecting the Show Fix Name Column check box when viewing the contents of a fix repository in the web user interface. If you set fixes: ALL, Command Central installs all fixes from the fix repository that are required for the products, which are available in the installation.
A map of files that Command Central will copy to the target installation. For example:
target/file1: “src/file”
where target is the path to the directory to which to copy the file and scr is the path to the source directory from which to get the file. The target path is always relative to the target installation directory and the source path is relative to the root folder of the composite template.
A map of license key aliases that Command Central uses to copy the license key file assigned to a specific license key alias to the target location. For example:
"target/licenseKey1": "${alias}"
where target is the path to the directory to which to copy the license key file and “alias” is the license key alias.
You refer to the license key file by an alias, which you can define in:
*the Licensing view of the Command Central web user interface
*an environment properties file
*the CLI license-tools keys commands
*an argument of the sagcc exec templates composite apply command
In the following example, Command Central executes the following actions when applying the inline template with alias "is-my"
1. Copies the "IntegrationServer/config/licenseKey.xml" license key file, which is assigned to the "is.license.key.alias" alias, to the "IntegrationServer/config/licenseKey.xml" target installation directory.
2. Installs Integration Server, Monitor, and Rules Engine, along with their dependent components.
3. Applies the “wMFix.integrationServer.Core” fix.
4. Creates an Integration Server instance with alias “myInstance”, using the port and database connection details specified in the integrationServer/myInstance section.
5. Configures the “myInstance” Integration Server instance with the security credentials, included in the integrationServer/myInstance/configuration property.
"IntegrationServer/config/licenseKey.xml": ${is.license.key.alias}
- wMFix.integrationServer.Core
primary.port: 5555
diagnostic.port: 9999
jmx.port: 9064
db.type: ${db.type}
db.url: ${db.url}
db.username: ${db.username}
db.password: ${db.password}
license.file: IntegrationServer/config/licenseKey.xml
"@id": Administrator
Password: secret123
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