sagcc get monitoring state
Retrieves the run-time status and run-time state of a run-time component.
Run-time status indicates whether a run-time component is running or not.
Run-time state indicates the health of a run-time component by providing (key performance indicators (KPIs) for the component.
For a list and description of run-time statuses and run-time states for a specific run-time component, see the information in this reference for the product with which the run-time component is associated.
Command Central syntax:
sagcc get monitoring state [nodeAlias=alias]
[runtimeComponentId=componentid] [includeChildren=true]
[refresh=true] [options]
Platform Manager syntax:
sagcc get monitoring state [runtimeComponentId=componentid] [refresh=true]
Arguments and Options
Argument or Option | Description |
[nodeAlias=alias] | Command Central only. Optional. Specifies the alias name of the installation on which the run-time component is installed. |
[runtimeComponentId= componentid]
| Optional. Specifies the ID of the run-time component for which you want to retrieve information. |
| Command Central only. Optional. Indicates whether to retrieve the status and state for a run-time component and its dependent components. When you include this argument, Command Central retrieves monitoring data for the run-time component and all of its dependent components. When you do not include this argument, Command Central retrieves monitoring data only for the run-time component. |
[refresh=true] | Optional. On Command Central: When you include this argument, Command Central retrieves monitoring data from the Platform Manager node. When you do not include this argument, Command Central retrieves monitoring data from its cache. On Platform Manager: When you include this argument, Platform Manager requests the current monitoring state directly from the product. |
[options] | Optional. The command allows all options supported by the Command Line Interface. For a description of the options, see Common Options. |
Usage Notes
The following are general descriptions of run-time statuses:
FAILED when a run-time component failed, for example, ended unexpectedly.
NOT_READY when a run-time component is started, but not ready to accept client requests.
ONLINE when a run-time component is running.
PAUSED when a run-time component is paused.
STARTING when a run-time component is starting.
STOPPED when a run-time component is not running.
STOPPING when a run-time component is stopping.
UNKNOWN when the status cannot be determined.
UNRESPONSIVE when a run-time component is running, but is unresponsive.
Note: | A specific run-time component might support only a subset of the statuses. |
Examples When Executing on Command Central
To retrieve the run-time status of the run-time component that has the ID “OSGI-SPM” and is installed in the installation with alias name “sag01” and have the output returned to the console in XML format:
sagcc get monitoring state nodeAlias=sag01
runtimeComponendId=OSGI-SPM refresh=true --format xml --password secret
Because the command includes the refresh=true parameter, the monitoring data will be retrieved from the Platform Manager node.
To get the run-time status and run-time state for a component with ID “OSGI-IS” running in the installation “sag01”, and all its dependent components:
sagcc get monitoring state nodeAlias=sag01 runtimeComponentId=OSGI-IS
Because the command does not include the refresh=true parameter, the monitoring data will be retrieved from the Command Central cache.
Example When Executing on Platform Manager
To retrieve the monitoring data for the run-time component that has the ID “OSGI-SPM” and is installed in the installation that the server with host name “rubicon2” and port “8092”” manages, and have the output returned to the console in XML format:
sagcc get monitoring state runtimeComponentId=OSGI-SPM --format xml
--server http://rubicon2:8092/spm --password secret