Command Central Developer Reference : Using the Command Line Interface : Inventory Commands : sagcc list inventory components : Specifying Search Criteria for Inventory Commands
Specifying Search Criteria for Inventory Commands
When using the sagcc list inventory components or sagcc list inventory products commands to list run-time components or products, you can specify search criteria to narrow the results that the command returns. Supply the search criteria using the following format:

attribute1=value1 attribute2=value2 ...
For the search criteria, you specify attribute values to match, for example runtimeComponentId=OSGI-CCE, where runtimeComponentId is the attribute and the value to match is OSGI-CCE.
Attribute Names You Can Use in the Search Criteria
Attribute Names
sagcc list inventory components
You can combine any of the pre-defined attribute names in this list with new search attributes added using the sagcc create inventory components attributes command. For more information about syntax and usage, see sagcc create inventory components attributes.
sagcc list inventory fixes
sagcc list inventory products
Specifying the Value
When specifying the value, you can include the * pattern-matching character to match multiple characters or the ? character to match a single character. For example, if you want to narrow the list of returned products to only those with “mws” anywhere in their product display names, use the following search criterion:
The search is case-sensitive.
You can also use the * and ? pattern-matching characters to search for attribute names. For example, if you want to list the search attributes attribute1=value1 and attribute2=value2 for different run-time components, use the following search criterion:
Logical Operators Used When Specifying Multiple Search Properties
If you specify multiple search items, by default, the command performs an AND operation to return results that match all the specified criteria. For example, to narrow the list of returned products to those with “mws” anywhere in their product display names and that are version 9.0 or later, use the following search criteria:
productDisplayName=*mws* productVersion=9.0*
You can use an OR operation with two attributes. To do so, specify the logicalOperator=OR argument. For example, to narrow the list of returned run-time components to those installed in installations that have the alias name “sag01” or “sag02”, use the following search criteria:
nodeAlias=sag01 logicalOperator=OR nodeAlias=sag02
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