Command Central Developer Reference : Using the Command Line Interface : Options for the Commands : format : Arguments for Tab-Separated Values (tsv) and Comma-Separated Values (csv)
Arguments for Tab-Separated Values (tsv) and Comma-Separated Values (csv)
When you specify the tsv or csv with the {--format | -f} option, you can specify additional arguments to customize the output.
{--format | -f} {tsv | csv} [includeHeaders={labels | properties | none}]       
Argument Descriptions

| properties | none}]
Specifies whether you want the output to include a header line. Specify one of the following:
*labels to include a header line containing the display names for each field. For example “Product Version” might be a display name if the output includes the version of a product. This is the default.
*properties to include a header line containing the property key name for each field. For example “product.version” might be the display name if the output includes the version of a product.
*none to omit headers from the output.
Identifies the keys associated with the information you want included in the output. For example, if you want the output to only include the product version, specify properties=product.version.
To specify multiple keys, separate each with a comma. For example, if you want alias names and descriptions in the output, you might specify properties=alias,description.
Use properties=* to include all information. If you omit the properties argument, the command returns a default set of fields.
Usage Notes
*To determine the keys you can specify with the properties argument, execute a get or list command and specify includeHeaders=properties properties=* so that the output displays a header line that shows the keys for all the possible properties.
For example, you might want to use the sagcc list landscape nodes command to retrieve the list of alias names and descriptions for installations. First, execute the sagcc list landscape nodes command with --format csv includeHeaders=properties properties=* to determine that the key for the alias name is alias and the key for the description is description. You can then execute sagcc list landscape nodes with --format csv includeHeaders=name properties=alias,description.
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