Tuning and Troubleshooting : Troubleshooting
During file download, activity at times appears to stop completely
Most download issues are caused by interference from a security appliance such as a virus scanner. Ask your network administrator whether he can make an adjustment to allow the download to work properly. Ask the network administrator to check the security settings for your proxy or firewall; they might be incompatible with Command Central. If so, ask your IT department for temporary access to a port outside the firewall to download the files.
Expected product-specific features are not available
Product-specific features in Command Central exist in the form of plug-ins to Platform Manager. Confirm that the product plugin is installed and active as follows:
1. Go to Environments > ALL to see all instances and installations you are managing from Command Central.
2. On the Instances tab, click the Platform Manager (SPM) whose product plug-ins to view.
3. Click the Administration tab and then click Diagnostics.
If it is not, install the missing plug-in if it is not installed, or restart Platform Manager if it is installed.
View and download logs for instances or components
Go to Environments > ALL, click the instance or component whose logs to view, and click the Logs tab. To download logs:
One log
Click for that log.
Multiple logs
Hold down the Shift or Ctrl key and select the log rows. Click and then click Download selected logs.
All logs
Click Download selected logs without selecting any log.
Command Central or Platform Manager is experiencing thread blocks or deadlocks
A thread dump can help you locate thread contention issues that can cause thread blocks or deadlocks. Command Central provides a utility that enables you to generate thread dumps of the JVMs for Command Central and Platform Manager when they are running as Windows services. You generate the thread dumps by going to the Software AG_directory/profiles/CCE or /SPM directory, respectively, and running the command service -dump. To view the threaddump, go to the Instances tab, click Command Central j(CCE) or Platform Manager (SPM), click the Logs tab, and click the wrapper.log file.
Installation of a fix or support patch fails
Command Central displays an error message. For details, go to Environments > ALL, open the tree for the Platform Manager (SPM) that manages the installation, click Platform Manager, click the Logs tab, and open the sum_error.log file.
Cannot create mirror repository because of network issues
Address the network problem and try again to create the mirror repository.
Command Central cannot connect to Platform Managers
If Command Central cannot connect to a Platform Manager, make sure the Platform Manager is running, is listening on the port specified during Platform Manager installation, and your firewall allows incoming connections to Platform Manager and outgoing connections from Command Central. If this does not address the problem, configure a proxy for Command Central. Go to Environments > All and click Command Central (CCE) on the Instances tab. Click the Configuration tab, click Proxy in the list of configuration types, and configure the proxy. You might need to exclude Platform Manager hosts and domains.
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